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Looking for your Caregiver? Waiting for your Daddy? Mommy? Auntie? Uncle? Big Brother? Older Sister? Or maybe even your little sister or brother? Let them know you're looking for them.
(Age 18+ seeking 18+ only!)
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DateCGL Username: Cassie0
Legal Age: 23
Gender Identity: Female
physically intimate Orientation: Bisexual
Location: UK
Current Marital or Relationship Status: Single

Approximate Regression Age Range: 2-13 ? I dunno. I don’t have a little space. I am more 24/7 little so I like a range of things from bottles and pacis to lego and rollercoasters. Same with shows and movies. Like my little pony but also marvel

What type of partner are you looking for here? Monogamous. Long term. Hopefully my soulmate!

Are you open to long distance relationships or only local matches?
Yes open to long distance. I would relocate for the right person so location isn’t an issue. Except if you live in Australia there is too many scary animals there for me to wanna go there haha

Do you prefer polyamorous or monogamous relationships?

Describe your perfect match and some great qualities that they would have:
Perfect match would be a big cuddly Daddy bear. Someone who is gentle mostly but can also be firm when needed. Someone who would enjoy doing little things with me and spending time with me. Someone who is funny and nerdy. Someone who would put me first and only have eyes for me. They would be my I universe so I would like to be theirs to

What are some things that have led you to identifying as a little?
First BF told me about it and it kinda just clicked. I described who I was perfectly. Obviously some things I wasnt sure about at first like pacis and stuff but once I tried those things I realised this is exactly who I am. And the relationship dynamic is exactly what I desire and what makes me happy and feel special. I have always had a young mindset tho. Never been mature or independent. I get scared watching horror films and of the dark. I have the biggest teddy collection. And have always slept with a blanket so something came naturally to me before I even knew what DDLG was. Hopefully that all makes sense

Are you into physically intimate and/or nonsexual Caregiver/little regression?
As a more 24/7 little. Its hard to answer. I like physically intimate stuff yes. But I wouldn’t say its daddy little stuff related so much coz for me ddlg is not really a kink its more a lifestyle. And you know sex is just something that most people in a relationship do.

How long have you identified as a Little?
Six years now :)

Are you a Little that likes to or expects to be punished?
I wouldn’t say I like being punished. As if you like a punishment then is it really effective. I do like rules and structure and for that to be implemented there has to be rules and punishments. So I guess yes I would expect it. But nothing super crazy.

What do you think you have to offer to a partner?
I am very loyal and have a lottt of love to give. I get very attached and can be very needy and clingy. I would always put my Daddy first and do my best to make him proud and happy. I would colour him pictures for the fridge and make him friendship bracelets and always ask him about his day. He would be my entire world and I would do pretty much anything I could to bring him happiness and make him feel loved and special!

Describe one of your favorite nonsexual fantasies or scenarios:
I would love to go to the zoo with my Daddy. Like him pick out my clothes. Something cute. Dress me up. And take me the zoo. We get to see all the animals. Have a picnic and at the end he would let me pick a stuffie from the gift shop! Then home for cuddles of course!

What are 5 nonsexual things you enjoy?

What are 3 movies or TV shows you enjoy?
- Beauty and the beast
- Infinity war
- My hero academia
- Pokemon (I couldn’t pick three)

What are 3 of your favorite foods?
- Pizza
- Halloumi fries
- Quorn dino nuggets

What are 3 of your favorite songs, bands, or musical artists?
- Black foxxes
- You me at six
- Thrice

What is something you have recently learned?
Snails in my fish tank have super cute little circle mouths!

What is your current biggest life achievement?
Ummmm I walked the London Winter Walk ( its length of a marathon) and raised £400 for WWF!

During an argument or disagreement with a partner, how do you typically react?
Hmmm depends if I sad I go quiet and pouty and want reassurance and cuddles
But if I mad then I guess you could describe it as a bit bratty…. But I after time to calm down I will always be first to say sorry if I in the wrong. And I like to talk about feelings too rather than argue. I prefer to voice when I don’t like something or something is or has upset me.

What do you think of being partnered to a Caregiver who requires a large portion of your attention?
I WOULD LOVEE THAT. I super needy and I would love to spend as much time as possible with my Daddy and would hope he would feel the same way about me. I would love if we could do most things together and share our lives ect.

What are some other things you would like to tell a potentially interested partner about yourself?
Ummmm not sure. I feel like I have said most things….

I guess maybe some deal breakers would be good to say:
- i not interested in someone who is married
- i not interested in someone who has kids
- i dont like pain or sadistic stuff
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