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Saturday starting at 10:00PM Eastern time
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Our Littles Movie Night is an official event free to all members of Littlespace Online. Our event starts every Saturday and one movie is shown. It's paid for and maintained by our dedicated moderator jken1461. The link to the event is posted in the chat when it begins. You can learn more about the times and further details of the event here.

Our movie event has occurred for years at this point and it has become a consistent surprise viewing for the group. It's been important to us that we keep the movie to be shown a surprise until it's actual viewing. This helps us to create the atmosphere that the event has been "taken care of" fully for the group of littles who show up. It's very similar to that of a childish setting where a parent plans a movie event for a group of kids.

Under no circumstances should anyone offer an alternative viewing room for a separate movie on Littlespace Online. Under no circumstance should anyone create an "official" event on behalf Littlespace Online without prior authorization directly from the admin. We have discussed this before when we had to temporarily cancel a couple of nights. We are most comfortable with our moderator, jken1461, maintaining this special weekly get together at this point.

From experience, nobody has consistently given to our group as much as jken1461 has with this event. Multiple previous moderators would fall through within the first couple of attempts they had at maintaining the event. Even I was unable to take charge of the event in full as jken1461 has done. jken1461 pays for the movies too, and that I think that's important to realize. He covers our monthly movie bill! We need to be thanking him more than complaining of imperfections where perfection cannot exist.

It's here I want to say that if you seriously have a problem with his role in the event then you are not welcome to watch the movie with the group. There's no reason to stress yourself out, and we don't want you to put yourself in a position like that! We do genuinely care about our community, and that includes you and your health and safety.

  • I can tell you right now very firmly that assigning all moderators to this event does not help it's functionality or stability. The reason we've been separating moderators into specific tasks is to relieve them of the pressure of maintaining the entire site at all levels. When we add more and more tasks to our moderators it decreases their morale and they become increasingly less reliable at important tasks. To put it bluntly, they stop coming to the site because they feel overwhelmed and too unhappy to enjoy the site as they had previously. We're trying to prevent those feelings from happening to our moderators.
  • I can tell you right now that disclosing the movie prior to viewing does not help attract your friends to come watch it with you. Less people give unpopular movies a chance if announced in advance. They miss out on the option of having the experience. Sometimes movie night is all about the experience and less about the movie itself!
  • I can tell you right now that asking members to vote on the movie makes no progress in terms of choosing the "best" movie to watch because 100% of the votes are not going to go to one movie. That means that somebody is going to feel let down that their option was available but not chosen this week. It just isn't helpful at all.
★ This means that if the movie is late or does not show then you are not welcome to create your own viewing room for a movie and claim to be an official event.
☆ If we skip an event you're not allowed to create a viewing room of your own and claim it is the "new" official room or "this week's movie". Please be considerate when phrasing things you share with our group.

★ This means that you are also not welcome to create a viewing room for an alternate movie than that being officially shown through our event and advertise it on the Littlespace Online site.
☆ If any shared event you have collides with our event times then we will issue you a warning and remove your links from the chat. In serious, repeat offenses, we will remove your capability to use our chat system. Our events have been well announced ahead of time--some by years--and we expect you to respect us too. Please consider our feelings, our time, and our efforts too.

★ This means that if you don't like the movie being shown then you should leave the viewing room and do something else instead.
☆ Sometimes, people are in the room to just chat about the movie and have a good time with their friends at a virtual event even when they don't particularly like the movie, and if that also does not suffice as enjoyable for you then please go elsewhere for that time. We don't want you to feel stressed out.

★ This means that if you have a complaint you want to be taken seriously then you need to contact the admin directly.
☆ Complaining in the chat room or board is only creating drama at this point. If it's actually important to you then come to me about it. Nobody else has the authority to make structure changes.

★ This means that right now we allow people to share certain things through our group when they are respectful, do not redirect our members from enjoying our site, and do not appear harmful. We generally allow people to post links to YouTube videos, gifs, silly images, the temporary Cards Against Humanity group that sometimes pops up, and sometimes temporary movie viewing rooms. If your event means hosting a "temporary" room then there are higher chances of us allowing it to be shared throughout our chat room when it's available.
☆ If one of these external groups conflicts with our events then we will remove the problem without canceling our events. We still do not permit self-promotion or "group building" to things like chat programs, other sites, social media followings, etc. If you're not sure if what you want to do is acceptable then please contact the admin.

Please respect our current structure and our moderators. We have been doing very, very well with events like this for years. We are doing our best to give you the best. We understand if you don't understand it yet, but we ask that you offer up your respect. Sometimes things are done in a way that you don't understand but that doesn't mean it's the wrong way. Please let our admin and moderators guide things like our official events, rules, and general structure. You just worry about enjoying the site and what we are able to offer up to you!
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