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Friday starting at 8:00PM Eastern time
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What show do you want to watch?

1. The Tick
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2. Trollhunters
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3. Fraggle Rock
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4. Dinosaurs
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5. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
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6. Batman
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7. Transformers Prime
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8. David the Gnome
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9. Teen Titans
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10. Animaniacs
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By jken1461
Well, Mysticons wrapped up, Voltron is almost done, She-Ra is on hiatus, so we're looking for ONE new show (She Ra will be back later this month, so we're not replacing our Princess of Power just yet.)

1. The Tick! Don't let the live action fool you, this is wholesome and delightful. Tick is the perfect superhero and Arther is his perfect foil. Ridiculous villains are no match for DESTINY, CHUM!

2. Trollhunters: This is a complete show that is the first part of a trilogy. Created by Guilermo Del Toro of Pan's Labyrinth fame, it's a fun action adventure. Nowhere near as deep as Avatar, but still very good and I'm interested to see what comes next.

3. Fraggle Rock: Jim Henson's magnum opus. The Fraggles love to sing and play. For a slightly older group than Sesame Street. I love this show. Has an actual ending that will make you tear up. YOU CANNOT LEAVE THE MAGIC!

4. Dinosaurs: I loved this show as a kid. It's a sitcom with giant dinosaur puppets. The last creation of the genius of Jim Henson.

5. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: I have seen every single Ninja Turtles thing ever. I grew up when they were THE thing. I dressed up as Donatello for Halloween. THIS show is the BEST Ninja Turtles show ever. It has real stakes, wonderful action, and very emotional moments. Oh, and it's funny too.

6. Batman: The Animated Series: This is Batman. All other Batmen < than this Batman. Also has the best Joker. Do you like Harley Quinn? Did you know she's NOT a comic character? She was created for THIS show.
Not only that, it revolutionized cartoons in America. Rather than giving you a trailer, I'm linking to an excellent video breaking down why this series was so groundbreaking. If we watch this, we might as well roll the whole DCAU after it, which is spectacular.

7. Transformers Prime: This is probably the best Transformers series made. I honestly like it better than G:1 because it's got so much more depth. I hate the movie esque designs, but I love the story.

8. David the Gnome: I couldn't find a good version of just the theme, so here's the first episode. I know nobody will pick this one, but it's special to me. Teaches about life and nature and being a good person instead of being a (literal) troll.

9. Teen Titans: No. Not Teen Titans Go. Never Teen Titan's Go. It's been briefly hinted that maybe if the Teen Titans Go movie does well (ugh) they'll revive this series. Here's hoping. They left it with a lot of potential left.

10: It's time for ANIMANIACS! This is getting a reboot soon, so shall we watch the original? It is still awesome:
I chose Adventure Time and TMNT
Adventure Time I have watched for a time and I enjoy seeing the reruns over and over nonstop. Great all around fun,

TMNT I've always been a huge fan of even back to childhood when they first were created....brings back childhood memories therefore I dont like to see an old classic perish...Keep it going...and may the best ones win..
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By scandoll
fraggles and david the gnome, always liked fraggles and david the gnome just sounds like something daddy wouldn't watch so would be awesome for big time when i watch alone. (daddy likes the bash smash zombie superhero horror stuffs so i watch it enough already)
Well, probably the first one because it will be good for the kids as well. After they complete watching all the series by Andy Yeatman, I am going to start with some new series and movies that I have lined up for them. I know that they are going to miss the content but I hope I find more online.
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