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Caregivers, Mommies, Daddies, adult babies, middles, babyfur, and all other Bigs and littles discuss regression, relationship dynamics, have open group conversation, share experienced advice, and exchange ideas to help one another grow in knowledge.
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Well, I'm absolutely certain Mommies exist because I'm a Mommy-type and have personally met a handful of others identifying as the same.

I'm biologically younger than you, but I've been identifying as a Mommy-type for closer to 15 years now. Other Mommy-types I've met have seemed similar in terms of how long they've been interested in the dynamic. Though, I will say that most Mommy-types I've met have already been long-term paired or fall into long-term relationships quickly when they begin searching for an AB or little match online. None of the Mommies I've met have particularly seemed like the casual-connection sort of type and that also may be an area where finding a suitable match for yourself differs from what might be more commonly available.

I know that at least one member here, Littlebird1919, found his Mommy on LittlespaceOnline because they are both members who chatted frequently. We also use to have a moderator who identifies herself as a Mommy. So, there's at least 3 of us who are active on these sites. Other Mommies I've had discussion with have not really been as public on the forums, but I know a few active accounts of Mommy-types do exist on our dating platform.

My guess is that many of us are simply more quiet and private about our interests in the community. Perhaps we are not as eager to present ourselves publicly as Mommies since there is often a heavy physically intimate stigma attached. Even I have been shy about discussing my identity here on the forum because of the misconceptions that seem to follow along with it. I also experienced a time in my life where I questioned where I truly fell within the CGL community because I don't conform to all of the stereotypical ideas of a domme (though, I feel now that it's where a large difference between being a general domme versus a Mommy domme falls, but that's a separate discussion on it's own).

Nonetheless, these forum sites are perhaps not the best place to really find singles though since they have limits on things like profile descriptions and aren't targeted specifically toward dating or private interactions. Forums were always intended to be a group discussion of sorts and dating is much more of a private one-on-one situation. Of course this is where I would suggest visiting our actual, free community dating site called DateCGL which has been specifically created for individual connections.

(If you have an account there and would want me to I can look it over and give you advice on how to rephrase things or alter public behaviors that may currently be less-than-ideally-appealing in terms of my Mommy-type opinion. It might be a good starting point if no Mommy has given you feedback about your profile and public actions before in the dating world.)

Keep in mind that not only our CGL community has issues with finding certain people on dating sites. Dating sites, even for the average person outside of any specific community, are very popular and very commonly found. Many dating sites even bribe women to create and maintain accounts by offering them free account services, free messaging, and other options that cater specifically to their gender-identity. Women are statistically less inclined to join sites that are perceived as heavily physically intimate in nature and sometimes dating sites fall into that mix when trying to present as appealing to casual connections too. It's been somewhat recently discovered that many men make the assumption that if a woman has an online dating presence, she’s interested in sleeping with relative strangers and that's a pretty heavy stigma for a woman to face when trying to find a connection that goes far deeper than sex. When you take into account that people often relate CGL to strictly just being a branch of BeDeeSeM and heavily physically intimate then it may point toward why some groups that a woman would identify within may be slower in registrations on these publicly accessible sites.
Ultimately, your very special someone is very special for good reason and you're not going to find just anyone that will fill your heart with joy.

Oir Mommy had found us here! But that was in another time, about a year and a half ago, before was created and the focus of these forums was narrowed to lifestyle information. This site used to have a personals section that was widely used, but people flocked to the sister site.

This is the personal that we used back then. We’d like to think that we found success because of how confident we were in our personal, and how we strove to let Mommy imagine what it would be like to have us. And sound friendly and approachable!

Overall, we would like to encourage you to be as thorough in giving details about yourself! Make yourself approachable. Your match may very well be right around the corner, so you have to make sure they can see you or you can see them!

Please try not to become discouraged. It took us a very long time and many failed relationship attempts before we were finally found by our Mommy. Thankfully DateCGL streamlines the process. It even has a group dedicated to Younger Female Carers for Older Male Babies (you may need an account to view the group).

Feel free to get back to us if you’d like some pointers on how to increase your visibility and chances to find the right caregiver for you! Everybody in the community wishes for you, and all other Littles in your situation, to success and thrive and be happy!
I'm a switch. I started out vanilla and my partner asked me if I was interested in being mommy after about 2 months of dating. After a little research I realized it was the most natural thing for me to do because I already exhibited a lot of the mommy dynamic with my partner. I just didn't realize until then it had a name and I wasn't alone. After more research I realized that I also identified as a little. Maybe its just a gemini thing Idk. So I'm 95% of the time im mommy and I like it that way. When my need to be little overtakes me I ask my LB to play a game with mommy.. And for a short time he becomes the dominant one. I think its also good for his self confidence because it helps him learn to not be afraid to ask mommy for things. He's a little shy.. Bless his heart he worries over his mommy.
Long story short.. You never know who is into what if you never ask .. I bet there are lots of mommy's out there who are currently vanilla because they haven't been introduced .. Just like me.

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