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MIMIGOTCHI wrote:No. I'm afraid it'd affect my teeth

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It won't unless you suck on it for hours and hours ...and even then I'm pretty sure because you have adult teeth it won't effect them

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I absolutely love using my paci! The baby pacis do tend to fall out a lot during the night so I just ordered an adult one off of Amazon. They are very comforting so I say go for it!
:pacy: :yes:
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By Spitfire
See I love the idea of using a paci/dummy/binkie etc. But I haven't had much luck in practice, the teat and shield on actual child's pacifiers tends to be too small for me, I can't keep it in overnight and there's something...I can't explain, it doesn't feel right having a tiny shield that barely covers your mouth. I tried an adult paci from eBay but that sets off my gag reflex :lol: though I tend to be fine with bottles and sippy cups which is more than enough for me really :)
I've sucked my thumb and used a blanket since I was two years old so I still do that. I tried a binkie once, but it was a size 1 infant one so I didn't like it because it was too small. Sometimes I use daddy's thumb instead of my own, but it doesn't have the same comforting effect.

Lots of people suck their thumbs or use binkies well past the accepted age range, so don't feel like your little age is too big. Don't focus on the number so much, just do whatever makes you feel little.
Hi there Lacie828! I am a Little and my age range is between 3 and 5. I know how you feel, being shy and nervous, in regards to trying out a pacifier. You feel a bit older and the thought of using a paci would mean you are physically showing to others and yourself that you are smaller and littler. Right? Or... well that is how it made me feel at first.
I get my adult pacifiers from onsiedownunder.
By TinybookBug
Yep, I use a regular one you can get them at a pharmacy in different sizes. The one I use is 18-24 months. They have ones there that protect teeth deformation too and at Wally World.
I have two - the big Nuk 5 kind - and I've loved them for ages. I've always kept it a secret, but the other day I finally managed to bring myself to tell Daddy I had them! He wasn't bothered, of course (he was more surprised I hadn't told him before!) but I still feel too awkward to use them in front of him for some reason.
Yessie!! I have one yellow one (my favorite color) and I only use adult pacis. Baby ones will shift your teeth, but the adult ones are made to fit your teeth. I'm gonna get a pink one and I also wanna start learning how to decorate them!
Yes I do! So far I've only used baby ones (no they have not hurt my teeth at all and I know that for a fact because my dentist has actually told me my teeth are perfectly straight) and I just ordered my first adult one that should be shipped out soon!!!
Yes I use one!! My first one I bought was a regular 18 month old paci from the store. It hurt my mouth. But momma got me new ones from i love them!! Very comfortable. then there is there are a few shops on etsy that make pacis using an adult nipple also.
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