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Discuss styling or wearing garments like cloth or disposable diapers, pull-ups, training pants, rompers, onesies, shortalls, dresses, plastic jewelry, and more. We can also help with designing little zones in your homes. Let us help you create your new look or redecorate your space!
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I dunno if it counts--I don't really wear diapers. But! My friend has a bleeding disorder where she has to wear disposable underwear most of the time. I borrowed one once because I was staying with her and ran out of pads... and let me tell you, it was really comforting, actually. I didn't have to worry about whether the pad was catching everything. Genuinely, it put me more at ease. So I get it, for sure.

I might actually transition to disposable underwear bc I have slight incontinence issues, and it would just be easier overall. Pads are a horror to work with for me, anyway. Can never get them to stay in place. I have a lot of stained underwear. :(

Bottom line? I can absolutely see where wearing them during that time of the month can be comforting. :D Use on, I say! :bye:
During my time, when its bad, I like wearing depends. It catches everything, and I don't have to worried about if i roll in bed, about if I leak "red aunt" all over it. I only used them when the "red evil aunt" is very bad, maybe up to 6 depends during "red aunt". Might even start using during all "red aunts." :srsly:

And whoever can make pads work is very much a perfectionist..... For I too have underwear that is stained. :-.-:

I can see how it makes you feel comfort, using diapers, during that time so go on with using them I say as well! :splode:
Even before I started being a little depends have been waaaay better than pads. Pads always slip and move around even with the good ones and it's not something you want if you have a heavy flow like me. I alternate sometimes but it helps in a way to feel small. I just pretend they're pull ups! I still don't wear them all the time if I have tampons though but that's more of a personal preference.
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