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I've been a little for about a month now and it has honestly been so relaxing and better for my mental health. Today, I asked my friends if they knew what little space was and some of them said that they do. I asked them what they would think if I was a little and they said it would be a bit weird. I don't really know how to feel because I'm a bit lonely not having a caregiver, but at the same time I don't want to lose my friends... What should I do?
Hmm perhaps you could ask why they think it's weird and you could try explain what little space is. Perhaps it's weird to them because they don't understand how it works and if you take your time explaining they might come to understand and accept that part of you :bheart:
However if you think it's best to not say anything then don't, though I think you should have some faith in your friends!

you can try make friends in this community so you don't feel so lonely though, that way you don't have to try to explain because people understand, I think
My Daddy and I aren't totally open with friends and family. They know I am childlike and will just be "silly" me. They don't know that I'm regressing from stress or something. I don't call Daddy "Daddy" in public unless I'm panicking and it slips out. Mostly I call him "Hub hub" or another name I have him years ago.

I've hinted at me being little to some friends, asked what they thought, and even had 'adult' talks about it. The majority of belief is that ddlg or little space even is not healthy and I'm not going to go into the beliefs... I think we all know... Right?

I've tried to educate and told a few things but mostly our private life is just that... Private.

We are happy, not harming anyone or anything, not judging, and have had comments about how close we are. We've been told that we are "couple goals" by friends. We just laugh and say it's hard work. We don't really go into details.

I hope this made sense to you.
It probably only seems weird to them because they are unfamiliar or possibly confused, a lot of people develop their belief system by observing others around them to judge whether it's acceptable or not, so I believe most people are misinformed.

The best way to introduce something that may be of a sensitive nature to friends or family is not to label it at first and slowly introduce some of the things you like about it to them so it becomes normal without the label that is possibly stigmatized.
Hi milkyskies,

I'm sorry your friends made you feel bad. I think your options of talking more about it, or keeping it to yourself, are both solid. Also what you could do is just take some more time to think it over. But I think someone else said you could try educating them about it and answering questions, if you think that'd feel okay for you. I understand that it's a vulnerable conversation though. I also hope you can find friends on here because that could be good. I'm not open with my friends about being a little at all.
hmm I guess I'm in the same situation here too seeing as I've really been wanting to tell my friends too but it can be hard seeing as somepeople may not understand what littlespace is. Maybe show them a few articles or blog posts about littlespace and it can help them understand. Remember though, your friends might still be unsure about dealing with you being a regressor even after you tell them about it. If that's the case, maybe it will be better to keep it to yourself and slowly ease into being open about it. Just know that you don't always have to have a caregiver to be comfortable in littlespace.
Good luck though!!! :splode:
HIIII ⁽⁽◝꒰ ˙ ꒳ ˙ ꒱◜⁾⁾💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

At the end of the day its your decision and its something that makes you happy. If they think that its a little weird then that is their opinion. If they want you to be happy they will understand and respect it .

And if they leave you over that then they weren't really your friends. Plus there are alot of people that are interested in the same things that you are . Maybe make some new friends that you can hang around and talk about DDlg with . You can still be friends with them that think its "weird" but try to get their perspective and what they think it is and correct them about it 'Respectfully' .
YOU GOT THISS!!! 😇💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

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