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Littles here answer questions about being a Little.
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Hey everyone!

How did you find out that you were a little? Were people accepting of you? What activities do you do to get yourself into little space without a caregiver? How do you handle college and being a little? What has been your best experience as a little?

Hope to hear from you all <3
Hello there. Ah I guess I might have always known I was a little maybe since I was in high school. But I just wasn't sure what to call it. Then I got older and after doing so research, bam here I am. And I don't know how people would really react to be being little. I think some people can sort of tell, but I haven't really told anyone yet besides my internet friends.

Ways I like to get into little space is listen to music, things that are sort of floaty and dreamlike. Like the lullaby or toybox music stuff. I also like to listen to Animal Crossing music. That always seems to help me get there. Oh another thing I like to do is, I get all of my stuffies and arrange them on my bed. Just generally playing with them gets me into littlespace.
For me the best way I can describe it was I had a moment of clarity during one of my breakdowns and expanded on that insight through writing. It's not something I do so much as it is a cognitive framework for relating to my disability in a healthier more accepting way.
How did you find out that you were a little?
I found out years ago when I was about fifteen. I always loved childlike toys and clothing because they made me feel safe and adorable. My boyfriend had a little inkling that I was into it when we got into kitten-play and soon after delved deeper into power exchanges.

Were people accepting of you?
My Daddy loves my little side and loves to make me feel little. He enjoys the dominance he has in my daily life and he enjoys the cute aspect of our dynamic very much. My friends were pretty accepting, I only came out to a few choice people (who also happened to be little hehe)! My family doesn't know, but they do understand that I have a childlike personality at times so I get away with certain things a lot.

What activities do you do to get yourself into little space without a caregiver?
I draw, I take a bubble baths and rub myself down in baby lotion, I cuddle up in bed watching tv with my stuffies, I drink juice from my sippy, and I do arts and crafts!

How do you handle college and being a little?
Oh dear, I'm only a big long enough to do my work and then as soon as I get home I go into littlespace and skype my Daddy.

What has been your best experience as a little?
The loving dynamic between my Daddy and I. He comforts and protects me in a way I can't do for myself, and he cherishes me for who I am. It's a very loving and comforting experience that I wouldn't change for the world.
My Daddy and I were going through an experimental time, and I had a friend who is into cgl and ddlg. While I was at her house and she was in little space, I figured out that I wanted to try it
How did you find out that you were a little?
I've always been kind of kiddie. I love watching kids shows and movies and I kind of always favored snacks made for little kids, like goldfish or even the little baby puffs (so yummy!). And I've always liked the idea of having someone else take care of me. I really didn't know it had a title, but while I was in my last year of high school, I found something about cgl and thought it was really interesting. I did a lot of research on it and I knew that it was a part of the BeDeeSeM community, so respectively I waited until I was over 18 to actually decide whether or not it was really what I wanted/if it was something I was really interested in (obviously it was!).

Were people accepting of you?
There were only a few people that knew. First was my boyfriend of the time, who was accepting of it, but that ended up not being a very good relationship for me. And one of my only friends at the time, who also accepted it and helped to act as a babysitter of sorts when I wasn't feeling well. There were other people along the way, some were accepting, although the most adversity I've seen because of it is just when people misconstrue the concept of cg/l and accuse me of being supportive of child involvement and relative relations (NOT TRUE!). Overall though, I think most of the people that knew me were accepting of it because I'm naturally kiddish anyways.

What activities do you do to get yourself into little space without a caregiver?
I love, love, love watching my favorite movies on my own. I can laugh as loud as I want or cry without worrying what other people will think. I do this even with a caregiver because I know it gets annoying when I watch the same movies over and over again. I also love playing games like animal crossing and Pokemon (I name the pokemon I catch silly things like Mr. Turtle). And then there's always coloring or cooking yourself your favorite little meals. I like to make dinosaur chicken nuggets with Mac'n Cheese!

How do you handle college and being a little?
Working and going to college as a little can be difficult sometimes, but I find doing small things like carrying a cute bag or wearing a cute dress or just cute clothes in general helps me. Because I have short hair, I also like to put cute clips in my hair (I'm wearing glittery pink and purple clips in my hair right now!). Even if I'm wearing something simple, I like little-ing it up by wearing pastel colors with it, usually I default to a pastel pink jacket. People usually don't say anything about it, in fact lots of people say my hair clips and my outfits are cute! Which really helps me feel okay with being myself.

What has been your best experience as a little?
My best experience, as cheesy as it sounds, is when I went to Build-a-Bear with my papa. It was lots of fun! We made bears that look like ourselves and then gave them to each other. It's super funny because my papa sleeps with a pink bear now, tbh I was kind of jealous because I wanted the pink bear, but I can just save it for our next trip ;)
I've always been little. I just didn't know what it was called. It was very subtle at first. A few years ago it became at lot more noticeable. Mostly when I was sleepy, didn't feel good, or recovering from a breakdown. About two years ago my friend and I took a BeDeeSeM quiz and I was introduced to what I am. My friend, who I am very close to, was not surprised at all. It actually explains a lot. I love to cuddle, cartoons, foods meant for kids, clothes that are "childish", coloring, being taken care of, the list goes on lol.

I tend to slip into little space when I smell certain things, when I watch cartoons (especially Disney), and when I color. I am naturally in little space when I'm sleepy or don't feel good. When I'm stressed out or in distress I slip into little space and tend to need guidance.

I am still trying to figure out how to manage being little and be in college. I work and go to school. That doesn't leave a lot of free time. I tend to let myself be little when I'm home alone and over the weekend. I can't fully be in little space but it's just enough that I'm content. I'm still trying to figure out a good balance. Especially since I'm new to it and figuring out what puts me in little space and how to deal with it. The only one who knows is my friend and she takes it in stride ::3:
I was on Pinterest and saw some things referring to the lifestyle and realized that I resonated with it. I thought about the things I like and Little behavior I exhibit naturally. I looked into it more and felt like I found myself! I still struggle with accepting myself because of my age. Most people IRL don't know and wouldn't understand.
By Deleted User 44943
Actually, I have always been childish just did not know what it was called. When coming across a post while surfing on the web I found that was what it was.

I love to draw, color, watch cartoons, listen to little space music etc, I would really love to get a paci and diapers but will wait until I move out of home to do so.

I tend to fall into little space with little space music and people talking to me like I am a little. Also when I watch Disney and color. When I am sick or sleepy I generally fall into little space then too.

Not many people know about me being little and I haven't told any family, I struggle with balancing it at school and at home. My personality is quite childish anyway so I am able to get away with a bit.
I didn't find out until recently so I can't answer most of the questions. I don't really talk about it because people tend to freak out. I tried to tell my roommate and she didn't talk to me for a week and then sent me an email telling me how wrong I was for being like this and all the problems I was going to incur for her.

None of it really held water, but... still. I'm still a little, I just don't talk to her about it and she ignores everything about it. And I underhandedly point out all the silly little stuff she's doing and she's easing up on me about all my "childish things".

The only other person who knows was a coworker who was on twitter when I was talking about it and read it. She's pretty cool about it and is like "Whatever floats your boat".

As for how I figured it out, I had a Dom who I just had the urge to call "daddy". He said I could call him Daddy he didn't mind. And then I was confused because I knew what it meant for the gay leather community but why the hell was I using it? So I started doing some research and found some sites talking about being a little, not necessarily AB, which I knew I wasn't. I had a friend who was and it just wasn't my thing.

So reading some blogs about other littles and then talking to some littles online helped me figure myself out. That Dom abandoned me without a word. And my second Daddy was a skeeze. So now I'm really kind of jaded and hoping things with my current Daddy work out okay.

It doesn't take anything at all for me to drop into littlespace anymore. Anything pink with unicorns is immediate. Wearing dresses is usually a surefire way. I have HUGE hairbows I wear that make me feel little. Jelly shoes. :) Fun little snacks like teddy grahams and juice. I'll just randomly realize I'm being silly and little and sometimes have to make myself back out of it like when I'm at work. I know it's not easy and it was hard for me to get into littlespace for the first time, but once I hit it the first time I'm basically like this all the time anymore. haha
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