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Hi there everyone, so in both big girl space and littlespace, i suffer from extreme anxiety and depression. I have tried all the techniques my counselor has suggested but none of it helps much and neither does my medication. I was wondering if maybe there are ways to handle it better, especially in littlespace? I am still relatively new to it so i am still learning. Whatever help you can offer i would greatly appreciate it. :heart: :heart:
I also have extreme anxiety but I don't have depression. What I find sometimes helps with my anxiety is spending time with one of my pets. So, if you have a pet I would recommend doing that. I find that coloring and snuggling with my stuffies helps my anxiety. Talking with someone also helps a lot, if I can talk out what is bothering me with someone I tend to feel a little better. If you need someone to talk to you can always pm me and I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible.
There's no gold standard of how to handle depression, however there are some principles you can go by. Most people would tell you to occupy your mind with something or someone else that makes you happy. That's great, but if you think deeply about why like myself its not enough to just stab it off just to have it reoccur later but even worse. I tend to do the opposite and focus deeply on what made me depressed and why, then come to understand if its reasonable or not. If it isn't, there's no reason. If it is, then I use it to fuel my own momentum to continue whatever gives me meaning. I realize everyone's different, and if you every need anyone to talk to just message me :) hope you feel better
Find a movie and music that makes you feel happy. Make sure you have a good stuffie friend who can calm you down. Ask your councilor or therapist to explain the ‘DBT Wise Mind’ concept to you, that’s been super helpful with me beause it’s helped me to redirect my thoughts when I’m anxious. Also I keep two journals, one for my accomplishments on a day to day basis, ‘even if they were as simple as taking a shower, eating breakfast, making my bed’, I write them down and it makes me happy and boosts my confidence and helps with my depression. Also I have a journal for my worries, so whenever an anxious thought pops up in my mind I write it down and let it go, and I set aside a time every day to go through everything I wrote down. The worry journal is helpful because I’m not anxious all throughout the day because my anxieties are written down and I know I’ll focus on them later. Also get the app booster buddy!!!! Feel free to PM me if you have any questions
By Deleted User 30863
Even if you can't beat the depression or anxiety, you might be able to find a way to keep yourself distracted from it, so that the worst thoughts and feelings don't overwhelm you. When I had a breakdown a while back, I found myself on the couch day after day after I was discharged from hospital just watching the same few old cartoons over and over. They were safe, and the moving pictures and exaggerated sounds offered a distraction which took the edge off things just a little, but enough to push through to the next day.

When depression strikes it can be an impossible task even to do some colouring in a book or other simple tasks, so if you find yourself in that position, something on the screen that's loud and bright I personally find can distract me enough to make it through the moment.
One of my new go-tos I've started trying was meditation, something I was convinced for the longest time was just absolute quack until I tried it after a particularly devastating meltdown.
There's lots of methods around it, but I'd just start looking into it yourself to see what works for you. Sometimes you might even find some peace just from sitting, breathing, and trying to focus on that instead.
The most important thing to always remember that as overwhelming as the feelings become, they will never be all of you, and there will always be brighter times, too. I realize hearing that alone never helps much in the moment, but reaffirming it to yourself, at least a little, will always help more than ignoring the thought and just accepting that this is "forever" when it's not.

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