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Cloth Backed Cushies (Adult Diapers by ABUniverse) Opinions?

Posted: |September 5th, 2017|, 11:15 am
by scotty0boy
Who all has tried the cloth backed cushies??? :paci: or the race car diapers? I likes the race car diapers but i really really wants to try the cloth backed cushies.... i used to ware the rase car diapers to work all the time and no one notices, if i was going to ware diapers to work i would ware those one hehe...

Re: Cloth Backed Cushies (Adult Diapers by ABUniverse) Opinions?

Posted: |September 5th, 2017|, 3:41 pm
by BittyBaby2
I have tried the ABU preschool cloth backs, I don't know if they're the same or not, but I really love those ones! they're super comfy and remind me of wearing a real baby diaper. They make virtually no noise and they're very soft. The only issue I notice with these though is that after it becomes quite wet, it tends to sag very easily and that can sometimes be noticeable depending on what you're wearing. Overall though I really like anything that is done in a cloth back style. hope this maybe helps? Sorry if it doesn't.

Re: Cloth Backed Cushies (Adult Diapers by ABUniverse) Opinions?

Posted: |September 5th, 2017|, 4:37 pm
by scotty0boy
Y a it dose help hehe... i wants to try those onse too... honestly i kinda like it when my diaper saggs it make me feall even hoping to buy some diapers this weekend what type should i get? :paci: :stuffie: :sleep: :splode: i like fiong out in public in diapers too...