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Does anyone have any tips on how to discreetly dispose of used diapers? I am new to wearing diapers and need to work on getting used to using them, but I can't because I don't really have a good system for getting rid of them once they're used. I currently still live at home so I have to be careful. If anyone has advice, please comment!
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By rleqh99
Hi there!
If you have black plastic bags of any kind you can put the used diaper in that bag and then when you know the coast is clear you go to your outside garbage and throw them in there.
There is another way but I wouldn't recommend it unless you absolutely have to. Take a scissors and cut the diaper into very tiny pieces and flush them down the toilet, however if you do this wrong then the toilet will get clogged and you are at risk of your secret becoming exposed. You can flush the diaper in parts if you want to be really safe about it.
I don't know of many other ways so I hope this is good enough!
~sincerely your friendly neighborhood baby boy
rleqh99 or Jordan
Well, I think if you are just wetting the diaper, then I would say putting it in a plastic bag and either disposing of it outside in a trash can could work if you have that option, but I have also found that depending on how regularly the trash gets taken out at your house you can sometimes place the used diaper in the plastic bag at the bottom of the trash can and cover it with other items in the trash can and that should help cover the smell or the chance that someone will see it. As far as a messy diaper goes, I would say to first empty the contents of the diaper into the toilet if at all possible and then repeat the same steps as with a wet diaper, but maybe adding a bit of an air freshener to help reduce any chance of a smell. Hope this helps! Good luck!
Grocery stores will be your best friend. Sometimes if you wet a bit much, you may have to double bag them tight in a grocery bag and tie both up. Then keep that in a garbage bag (Preferably scented to throw off the smell, I use gain) in a sealed container. Timing removal of these diapers to the BOTTOM of the trash outside, can be done when putting out other trash, but just dont do it evrey day or people may get suspicious. I went stealth over 4 years with this method, and as always stay clean safe and healthy.

However, this method only works with wetting. If your messing, this will NOT work.
Thank you everyone! I am only wetting at this point. I appreciate the advice. I was hoping for a long term solution because it's a bit difficult for me to go to the trash can everytime as I have to cut through my house in front of everyone, but it will have to do.Thanks again!
Ik this wasnt my post but i still wan to thank some of you guys because me an daddy always habin trouble secretly taking out my diapys or pullys. We put dem in bags to butt i guess dats our fault becuase we neva weally thought about usin de black bags or maybe we jus dont hab dem. But u could.always see my bwight colla diapys thru de bag. But den i put dem n my bag bag afta we bag dem.
I would suggest fast food bags, maybe save them if you go out? I don't use diapers personally but but maybe that would help! Maybe if it was a big enough fast food bag, it would work. That's the only thing I could think of. Or maybe storing them in a big sealed bag and then taking them out to the trash when you can?
Selecting the brand

First of all, it is worth noting that different diapers have different scents, before, during, and after they have been used! Odor protection is the parameter we are looking for in here. Some diapers can last longer than others without the smell becoming strong.

We have used a few brands enough to know which ones are best in terms of discrete smells. (This list is not complete, and will only include AB-specific brands).

The best products for odor control, from best to good:
  • Bambino plastic-backed. Any if their products, Bellissimo, Classic, Teddy, Bianco, are the best when it comes to containing the odor inside of the diaper, both when wearing and when discarded.
  • ABUniverse 4-tape plastic-backed (Space, LittlePawz). If you ordered them scented or unscented, once used, they smell pretty much the same.
  • ABUniverse 2-tape plastic-backed (Cushies, Lavender). Almost the same as the 4-tape sister diapers, but, them being designed with more of a playful style, they just are not up there as the 4-tapes.
  • Crinklz. With their design mirroring Molocare X-Plus', a product designed for incontinence, they have great odor protection. They also have adorable prints, but in our opinion, they do not perform well and fit flimsily.
Brands to avoid, in no specific order:
  • Fabine Exclusiv (teddy, Merry Christmas). Despite being branded "the best diapers" by many, and them being mythical to most AB/DLs in the Americas, they struggle to contain the smell, even as you wear them.
  • Carousel Diaper. These do not have the firmest of cores (lead to sagging), and do not have the best odor protection, though not as bad as Rearz.
  • Rearz (Safari, Princess). They have the absolute best and most authentic prints of them all. However, they too do not care well when after discarded. Not as bad as Fabine, but not recommended to keep for a while.

One silly thing to say is that if Depends are good at something (other than leaking all over the place!), they do not stink as bad as the diapers in the no-no list.

Prepping/holding the diaper for disposal

First thing is first. Make sure to prepare the diaper to dispose properly! We do not suggest at all having doing messy diapers. Even if you remove most of the hard mass, there will still be matter that will decompose fairly quickly, and the smell will spread like a wildfire!

Neutralize the odor before readying. After you take the diaper off, use Lysol on the inside of the diaper. Spray off the areas that have been wet.

Roll the diaper up nicely. Start from the front of the diaper. Fold the front wings in and try to keep a tight roll. You do not want air to be able to flow into the diaper, as much as possible. Roll it completely, and use the sticky tabs to try and seal the insides of the diaper into itself.

Bag the diaper into a small bag. Spray the inside of the bag before knotting the bag up. Make sure to leave as little air inside as possible. Double bag, if bags are available.

Put this bagged diaper into a big trash bag. The black trash bags are great for this. You can also buy these little orbs that help with icky-smelling trash bins. Even when having few diapers inside this bag, again, try to have as little air in this bag as possible.

Stick the bag in a place dedicated to holding diapers. Preferably a place that can deal, or at least not be exposed to air. We keep our diapers in a trash bin with a lid, which can make a nice seal.

As for disposing, if you are very nervous about other people potentially digging through your trash, then we suggest you try to use the big trash bag for other types of trash, much preferably inorganic trash, like cardboard, other plastic, paper.
I probably can't top Vanilla & Azure's post above me, or anyone else here for this matter. I just wanted to say in my situation, I just put my used diapers into a fresh bag and then throw it in the main dumpster. I don't worry too much about people digging through my trash if only for anonymity. When you throw something away, and you're living with other people, whoever is searching in there has to narrow it down to you, which I find kind of unrealistic. Secondly, even if the person searching is living with you, I highly doubt they're be willing to open your used diaper. It just seems disgusting to do so, if you're searching someone else's trashcan.

Not to be a pessimist here, but due to the hassle it takes to remove a used diaper, I oftentimes just don't use my diapers as intended. Instead, I just use them more as a fashion accessory: I wear a diaper with my outfit, but I don't use it. Then when I'm done with it, I just save it until next time, since I figure a diaper that's been used but not soiled in only has sweat at the most inside of it. It just gets super wrinkled and blocky, not comfy anymore. As a result, I still throw those out. I just put them in my normal trashcan, filled with tissues and other white things. I just squish it near the bottom.
I'm not sure how paranoid this is, but if anyone is worried about smell (or they can't get a dirty diaper outside fast enough) they sell this cat litter deodorizer that you can sprinkle inside the diaper before you put it in a bag and tie it up. It works wonders on a litter box, so it should help cut down the smell of a wet or messed diaper if you're super worried about it.

Hopefully posting links is okay? ... deodorizer

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