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Discuss styling or wearing garments like cloth or disposable diapers, pull-ups, training pants, rompers, onesies, shortalls, dresses, plastic jewelry, and more. We can also help with designing little zones in your homes. Let us help you create your new look or redecorate your space!
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Hi there!
We've all been nervous at some point about our little lifestyle being found out about and I know that some still are reguardless of how long you've had the secret. Whether it be by your friends, family, or even strangers, the point of a secret is for it to be SECRET.
While some have been lucky at keeping this wonderful lifestyle to themselves, others have ended up having their secret become..... well, not so secret.
This is where the question comes in!
How many of you have had your "little" secret exposed unintentionally?
If you have then those who are brace enough to share, tell us how you ended up exposed, who found out, where it happened, how they reacted, and how you delt with the situation.
Did you try to lie your way out like claiming to have a medical condition, claiming your little items didn't belong to you, or maybe you said it was a dare or bet?
Did you know you were caught and confessed? Did you cry begging for forgiveness? Or maybe you went slightly insane and had a moment of hysteria and you laughed like you were insane?
Give us lovely readers your true story!
I will start it off:
I believe it had happened when I was 15 or 16 so 2-3 years ago. The urge to wear a diaper was clawing me from the inside of my head. Every day getting worse and worse. Constant dreams of me being in diapers only to wake up and realize the harsh reality. For months this was my life, day in day out almost like hearing the same news stuck on permanent repeat. I had honestly started going mad. I became angry and irritated easily and finally I snapped.
I searched through my whole house when nobody was around and I found what I was looking for. There it was a baby doll that had belonged to my sister along with the diaper that the dolls usually come with. It was completely plastic but it was a real diaper all the same. I had taken it and tried to put it on and surprisingly it worked! I had to shimmy it up my legs carefully but I got it to fit comfortably!
The next thing I know I have to go to the bathroom to pee. I sat on the toilet just in case but it worked for its intended purpose! Being adrenaline high I wasn't thinking clearly and I took it off and hid it in the very bottom of the garbage can. My mom then came to me and asked about it and I lied and asked if it belonged to my little cousin who was a girl because the diaper had a flower print on it (don't judge I was desperate at the time) and she was still in diapers. My mom said she didn't remember them visiting but I played it off as if I were completely oblivious and was as surprised as she was.
It worked and I ended up getting away with it! 1 year later the guilt was eating me up inside and I started to get desperate again so I confessed and my mom finally knew. This is where my story ends besides the long talk about the AB lifestyle which would be going off topic.
THAT my wonderful readers, littles, and caregivers is my incredibly LONG and TRUE story along with details of how I was going crazy.
Now it's your turn and since I shared mine then it's only fair if you share yours. :P
Sorry for the incredibly long post, if you read the whole thing then I thank and salute you!
~sincerely your friendly neighborhood chatty baby boy
rleqh99 or Jordan

PS: I know I mentioned that I wanted these to be real but if you very badly want to be a part of the conversation then you can explain your biggest fear of how you get found out.

PPS: if you want to do a long post also then go for it so long as you can do it without your brain frying.
Unfortunately, I don't have any story to share cause I had the opportunity to wear neither a diaper and neither a pacifier, all of this cause I don't a baby around, and going to a friend's house to "steal" their diapers and pacifiers it''s just monstrous. Until this day I am still waiting for an opportunity to me, without buying and desperately trying to get rid of it if I don't like it, or, something goes wrong it, so I am waiting to get the right opportunity outside of my house...

I believe there are more people like me, who just never got the experience except for their imagination, you were super lucky to have a baby around and grabbing the diaper, even tho it's wasn't the best one, to enjoy the experience. And talking about best one, there is always somethings in my mind about diapers and pacifiers... Diapers for example, how about the size, if you are super fat or super tall, won't it be super uncomfortable since the diapers were made for children? How about pacifiers? I mean, what happens during the time you don't use a pacifier when do you need to buy a new one... I just can't imagine it being perfect, butt still...
I guess one day I will have to try it heheheh, butt anyway, this is not the right post for it

It is a long post, butt mostly all it's you explaining what you want :3 So it's okay <3

My biggest fear of being found out it's just... I can't. I won't be able to explain to anyone how I feel without them making another random perspective from me (mostly referring me as homosexual), which sucks a lot... I have a lot of adult interests where I am a submissive person, and having me like to be a little and feel protected by a mommy it's not different in anyone's perspective...
When I was 16 years old, I was slowly finding out about Little space and my adult interests (I couldn't stop with the feeling of having a mommy [or daddy, I would be okay with both] protecting me, taking care of me and sometimes being naughty with me >;3), and that's when I gave up and accepted myself being a submissive person (on my terms of course).
If I, in my 16 years old mostly, got found out by someone, it would be my end...
Thank you daxter for the lovely reply!
By the way, the diaper actually was for a life size baby doll that was a girl, but still real.
I have to admit that I agree if one of my friends found out or it become known through social media openly it would probobly be my end as well.
I also have to agree that I wouldn't mind a mommy or a daddy so long as they were loving but stern when needed, however I don't like to do "naughty things".
Getting back on topic if you want to get diapers and want to decrease the risk of getting caught then follow this advice: if you want diapers then buy a prepaid credit card with cash so when you buy the diapers they can't be traced to you.
2nd- since I don't know your house/setup I couldn't give you a good hiding place but if you get desperate enough then carefully remove a tile or floor board and make room to store stuff underneath.
3rd rule: NEVER sleep in or use diapers when someone is at home, don't even sleep with them when they aren't home because you are gonna wanna stay alert!
4th and final rule: do NOT make the same mistake I did! If you use a diaper then immediately (when you get the chance) put it in a plastic/paper bag of any kind and get it out of the house and in your outside garbage can ASAP, if someone finds it then you can claim that some jerk used your garbage can.
I hope this info helped and I hope you can share a story of some kind with us soon!
~sincerely your friendly neighborhood baby boy
rleqh99 or Jordan
I kinda got caught. When i was like 17 I think, I had a pack of huggies diapers! I hid them kinda poorly but one night I wore a huggies diaper and in the morning I didn't want to put the diaper back in the regular hiding spot. I just the lone diaper under some blankets in my closet. I got home from school and saw that my mom cleaned out my closet a bit and those blanket were on my bed and the diaper on top. I got so nervous and red and just grabbed the diaper and hid it. My mom didn't really say anything but now she knows I have some sort of secret. She probably wondered where I put the diaper and WHY DOES MY SON HAVE A BABY DIAPER. Good thing is that it wasn't used. Thank goddd.
Hi dinerd!
Thanks so much for the reply!
I can definitely understand how this could have embarrassed you and this was wonderful to read for a few reasons!
This was straight to the point, not long and boring like mine so kudos to you! Second would be that this would be a terrifying incident because while your mom didn't say anything about it, which was kind of her to do, it also can be extremely maddening to you because all these thoughts and possibilities start to go through your head. While I'm sure that she didn't understand at the time, I believe that as a caring mother, she would love you no matter what and completely understand if you were willing to tell her. Obviously this story happened awhile ago so it's possible she might not remember but I can assure you that getting something like this off your chest really helps and it's better to know what she truly thinks rather then feel guilty or afraid of her finding out. I also believe that this could be a sort of bond that you and your mother could have, if you think about it. Telling your mom that you trust her with your deepest darkest secret would make her happy knowing that you aren't afraid to talk to her.
That is just what I think, and while I say you should come clean, I completely understand if you wanted to keep this to yourself.
Please remember that there are others out there if you need a shoulder to cry on and keep in mind that those closest to you such as family (if they are good people) will probably be willing to be there for you if you asked!
I hope my little "pep talk" helped you even if you didn't need it!
~sincerely your friendly neighborhood baby boy
rleqh99 or Jordan
I guess that I will go ahead and share mine. I have been caught in diapers before (Alhough I am very, VERY careful about not getting caught, I have been before) I actually had a recent situation...

About 2 months ago, I got sick with a severe UTI. I could feel it coming, so I ended up buying some Little Pawz for that (I wanted to act cute in them, but something "didnt seem right" with my health, and I knew it would be my best interest. Eventually, this led to 3 hospital visits, 2 doctors, and things got nasty FAST. We were under a flood warning, and through rising waters, and sure enough, here comes my UPS truck with a pack of 80 Little Pawz, the most diapers I ever had at once, and the largest set of Adult Baby Diapers I ever had.

I managed to stack them up, and later on, was questioned about the "clothes" that I received in the mail when my family came home. I was reluctant and refused, but eventually I had to show them, so nervous, I brought out a pair of littlepawz and handed it to them. I am pretty sure I was never so embarrassed in my life. My grandmother talked about how thick they were, and I mentioned "I like being cute" which is well known, and eventually, they left me alone.

I was self-concious the rest of the month, and about mid-month or so, they went on a period for about a whole week, just asking me about them, telling me make sure i always wear belts, and almost CONSTANTLY checking that I was not having it showing, (Though to trained eyes, it is easy to show underneath pants) This upset me greatly, and eventually I brought it up, and received the response of "You dont NEED to be wearing it evrey day, and a very large argument ensued.

I used to wear them for being cute, and a pack of 10 could last me through a whole 2 weeks, but with my recent situation, I had to go ahead and actually use them as intended. Honestly, I DONT want it that way. It used to be fun wearing diapers, and now for the last 2 months, It has been almost a nervous fear. I will eventually get better.

So point is, that I got questioned/caught, and on other occassions, I have been caught while sleeping while listening to a lullaby on my radio when I was younger when I was still being an AB
Your story actually reminds me of when I was younger.
Around the time that I was 10-12 years old, I had stolen some of my younger cousin’s diapers. I saw them and I was overcome by a desperate want, so I took a few of them. Even though she was like 3 at the time, she was chubby and I was supper skinny so her diapers actually fit me. I hid them in my closet and after a while I had forgotten about them. I while later, my neighborhood friend comes to play and we play in my room. I don't remember what we were playing that led to her going in my closet, but she did and she found them. She brought them out and asked if they were mine (since I don’t have a younger sibling) and I was completely startled. I was overcome by fear and embarrassment of having been discovered. I froze for a moment, not able to answer her, but then she did the unexpected. She asked if I wanted to play with them. Although I was completely embarrassed, I really did want to play with them so I nodded my head. She seemed totally cool with it and even a bit excited. She even went back home to bring some of her little sisters' things to make the game more realistic. Although I didn’t realize back then, now that I think about it, she was just as childish as me, although a bit more of a daredevil. She wasn’t at all bothered by it and she didn’t bring it back up after that day (since I was way too embarrassed that whole day). After that I honestly don’t remember what I did with the diapers.
She was the only one who found out about it but I lost contact with her a few years ago. I don’t even know if she even remembers that day. I’d probably be too afraid to ask if I ever see her again. I do miss her though, and I would like to see her again. :tears:
Well not sure if this counts but i neva been caught wearin fiapys outside of my daddy lol. But i have been caught with my paci dumbfoundedly right in the middle of my mouth by a friend of mine in my dorm. U see we hab suitmates and the two set bedrooms are separated by a bathroom and my bathroom door was halfway open when one of my friends not my suitemate but anada girl walked in to goto the bathroom at the time i hab my paci in an was jus woamin awoun i tink cleanin up or somethin anyways i luked at her an se luked at me an se close the door to goto bathroom quickly cuz she had already started unzippin an pulling her pans down. I didnt realize that i still hab my paci n an not took it out until afta se close the door. Yea i was supa embarrassed an kept muttering to myself how stupid for the rest of the day an a few days later. I jus couldnt keep out my mind that she saw me with my paci and pqolly thought i was cwazy. Everyting turned out ok. Of course eventually got to tawk to her about it wen she was doing my hair one day. She became my closes fwien and the first person in that college to ever tell about my little side. Wat was even more suprisin was dat se wasnt taken back or thought was weird but even had another friend who was into the lifestyle an did it 24/7. Yea so thats my story
Oh yah I have been caught a couple times...
I kept my adult diapers under my bed because I was very limited on places to hide them.
I came home one day and my cousin
(she was old enough to be my mom)
Had been cleaning the room I was sharing with my younger cousin.
I noticed everything under the bed had been cleaned out except my pack of depends protection with tabs.
No one ever said anything but it was pretty obvious that they were mine.
I was embarrassed but ignored the fact that they now knew I wore diapers.

In the same house about a half a year later...
I had just got back from buying some depends I had forgotten them outside on the front porch.
I woke up in the morning and they had been moved onto a table outside.
Well my aunt had seen them she was the one who moved them.
In the morning she asked me if I wore diapers,
I was extremely embarrassed almost in shock.
She thought it was for some sort of medical reason.
I told her I had stress related bed wetting.
She then told me to keep them under the bathroom sink instead of leaving them outside and was very accepting of the fact that I wore diapers.

There was a few more times I know I was caught by family but for the most part no one had ever said anything they just kept it to themselves.

I still am unnerved by the thought of being caught.
I don't know why?
But I have my back up story just in case...
"I wet the bed by being in such a deep sleep or stress related causes".
Worked in the past works now.

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