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Wetness Indicators on Adult Diapers

Posted: |December 9th, 2016|, 10:49 pm
by BittyBaby2
Just curious, has anybody ever heard of or seen indicators on diapers or pull-ups that let you or the caregiver know when it has been used? If so where and have you used them in your role-play or littlespace? Did it go well and what did you or your daddy/caregiver think of them? Just looking for a rough idea. Thanks!

Re: Wetness Indicators on Adult Diapers

Posted: |December 10th, 2016|, 5:37 am
by PeppermintBatty
ABU little paws and ABU space have wetness indicators in the form of pawprints and space aliens that fade when wet. I've seen them and I've seen them disappear on my friends' diapers. It's a cute way to 'know' when someone has gone without checking them and it opens them to get teased about "defeating the space aliens" or having someone "steal their paws."

They also exist on some adult diapers, but usually just as a stripe that turns colors or fades.