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Hiya Bigs / Caregivers
I'm new to the forum and actually talking with people about this stuff so sorry if this is a little weird, long, hard to follow or I put this question in the wrong space. I noticed I was interested in little stuff and diapers the whole sha-bang at the age of like 7 or 8 and it's a large part of who I am. I've read a lot about it and understand quite a bit of the dynamics and roles. I'm just a little fuzzy on how once people come together and form this relationship how it continuously would play out throughout the years.

I'm curious as to how these relationships would play out in day to day life I guess? Do both partners usually go to work, then as they come home they rest a bit and get into their roles? Cuddle time (which should be all the time!) and stuff would work but how do you ensure that both partners are handling the house work fairly? I'd just feel bad as a little if I didn't help out with cooking (kitchens can be dangerous for us littles though) or around the house. Do most of y'all have it set up as a relationship with Big/Little undertones (even if it's a large part of the relationship you still need to treat things as a partnership and share responsibilities yeah?)
How do you keep the relationship from becoming stale or uninteresting (That's the question all people want to know right? haha) I know having a relationship solely based on this dynamic isn't the best way to ensure a long lasting one, I just wouldn't want to be with someone then they're suddenly tired of it and find it annoying or something. + I'm not sure I'd be able to come up with creative stuff to keep them happy or entertained. I wouldn't want to just be a lazy little who stays in his head all day (I spend a lot of time up there anyway...if you can't tell from this wall of text.) and never has anything to talk with mommy/daddy about or show them.
Then there's balancing the work times and stuff too so you can both be together enough of the time, which seems like a pain in the butt.

How do I curl up in mommy/daddy's lap if I'm about the same size as them?!? I don't wanna hurt them :(
I guess maybe there's a bunch of stuff you don't know how to make work, until you actually find someone and try them out. :tears:

Thanks in advance, sorry it's pretty long...hopefully I made some sense?
Uhhh TL;DR : I'm curious as to how these relationships would play out in day to day life?
How do you balance the relationship "work load" to ensure both parties are fulfilling their obligations to the relationship?
First of all, whatever works for you is what's best. It's good to see what works for others but there is no formula that we all stick to.
Some littles I've dated have used littlespace as an escape. They might only play a few hours a week. The rest of the time they were grownup. Some littles live it 24/7. That's something you'll have to explore and find a partner ready for, too.
Some littles are given chores. It's usually up to your CG to make sure that the relationship is balanced, although appropriate for you to ask to be helpful.
A lot of the balance will depend on finances, so it definitely depends on the relationship and your priorities.

"Size matters not." Littles can be 7 feet tall and 500 pounds. They are still allowed to demand all the cuddles. And a good partner will understand this and make sure you get time to cuddle, even if you need to make some accommodations. Even just having your head in someone's lap can feel so nice.
By AnonPlatypus
Thanks for the reply Papa, it cheered me up some :stuffie:
You're right about there being no formula, like many things I'm assuming the situation will dictate how you go about it. I guess I was curious to see how other people interacted with each other in the partnership since I haven't done much, no play dates, and I haven't really been big on the Role Playing text stuff.
This helped me a bit though, and that can help me discuss more with potential partners so that I can actually know what I'd like. Finances and time would play a big role I'm sure, even if you can't afford all the neat things that each other would like just being able to interact and talk to each other in the context is comforting.
I'd heard of bigs using chore wheels and stuff and that would be a big help and pretty fun I bet.

I guess I was just overthinking things, that's why it's best to leave it to the adults huh? :oops:

All littles are perfect size for cuddles :yay: That means I'm still able to go forward with the plan of bounding into the room and plopping down on my CG's lap and random intervals of the day.
Generally for me its a 27/7 thing. I give my little chores to complete throughout the day that way they can feel fufilled, and theres always daily playtime to make sure we spend time together.

And as someone else said, size matters not. Any little of any size could jump in my lap for cuddles, and if my legs hurt, I'll just swing them out the way and cuddle them still :)

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By AnonPlatypus
You know, I hadn't really thought of that. But I bet if I had a list of things I was supposed to get done it really would make me feel better, like I accomplished stuff that day :yay: . You CG's sure are smart, it's like you know how littles think. (can you read minds?!?)
I do guess with texting and checking in with each other periodically it's easier on both parties and you always feel well connected. It's a little extra work but it goes a long way I bet to ensuring a fulfilled relationship.

Good to hear from CG's who are so dedicated to cuddles and seem well experienced. I'm not too heavy or large at the moment but with proper diet I'd probably gain weight (only 155lbs 5'11'') but with all this new information about sizes and such mommy/daddy better look out, they're going to have to be ready for the full force of the cuddles :twisted:
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