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I originally searched google for 'oven cooked steak.' Every recipe agreed on temp and cutting, but the similarities stopped there. I didn't see any I liked so I made my own! Enjoy :eat:

Sharp Knife
Cookie sheet
Aluminium foil
Oven mit
Caregiver supervision
1. Preheat oven to 425.
2. Put aluminium foil on cookie sheet(easy clean up)
3. Cut your steaks into 1-2 inch pieces (You can use stew chunks if you're in a hurry).
4. Cover pieces in choice seasonings. WARNING! a little bit goes a long way!(I use tonys creole seasoning, with dried red pepper seeds for spiciness, plus a lotta love from texas)
5. Put the bites on the aluminium foil covered cooki sheet, and pop those suckes in the preheated oven.
6. Wait 10 to 15 minutes (depends on your steak sizes)
7. Put on your oven mit before pulling those critters out as they'll be feisty and rearing to go!
8. Wait to cool (resist the smell)
OMG This sounds so good!! :eat: *3* I am gonna write this recipe down right now that I can save it till I can get steak again that I can make it later in the future for dinner ^w^ Texas steak bites would make a really nice & cute side for a meal :D

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