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By kaylalowry19
:<3: Hey what's your favorite kind of coloring book?
Mine are:

Lisa Frank
Strawberry shortcake
Puppies & kittens

I also like Disney princess coloring books. I like coloring the princesses and the castles

What's everyone's favorite coloring book?
By not-a-crybaby
I got one of these 'adult' coloring books but the pictures are really pretty! Its an old storybook style with pretty dresses and prince charming! you can even take all the pictures you have colored and make your own story with them :}
By ghibli
i usually get hello kitty and my little pony! though, the best ones are ones with games in them too, cause of my add i never finish coloring anything ! so matching shapes and numbers of carrots and stuff is fun to me ♥ especially mazes !
my caregiver bought me one of the Crayola marker kits where you can only color on the special paper with them. I have a princess one and I like using it when I'm feeling extra little! :D
By Mermaid
I love the adult coloring books! I'm not a baby so I can color big girl pictures. uvu

I have two right now, one called "Animal Kingdom" by Millie Marotta, and another with like... partially colored pictures. It's called "Colorful Jetoy" and it has these colored pictures of cute kitties where you have to color everything else on the picture yourself!

I really want a mermaid coloring book though! :<3: I love mermaids so it would be perfect for meeee! And a fish/sea life one would be cool too. If anyone can recommend one, I'm all ears! c: ♥
By ellebear
I really love my adult coloring books (cause I'm a big little girl) but also my favorites are rilakkuma ones because he's a really cute bear ❤

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