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By Deleted User 62376
In honor of Halloween, I'm curious what mythical creature/being(witches, faeries, vampire, werepeople(shifters), mermaids, etc.) are your favorites, or which one you would be if you could?

My favorites are mermaids, and witches. Nothing against any others they are very interesting(I actually love all things supernatural) but they aren't a favorite of mine. The one I feel be is a mermaid, which is a little funny cause I'm a horrible swimmer.

Ohhh don't worry about others. I felt weird at the[…]

Identifying Role

For such a long time now I have I identified as a […]

Littlespace/Agere shoes??

There are resources out there that I know of that […]

Has anyone gone to a con?

I have considered going to CAPcon someday. I am on[…]

Advice on being little

There is a lot you can do under the guise of self […]