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By Starfire612
So I've gotten myself two kigurumis and absolutely love them. They're absolutely comfortable and so cute! Best part about them is (besides of all the animals and characters you can dress up as) is how big and baggy they are. I'm a heavier set girl so regular onesie pajamas tend to give me a wedgie throughout the night.

So what are your thoughts on kigus? Do you prefer them over regular onesie pajamas? Or do you like onesie jammies over kigus? Maybe even both?
I love the look of kiguriumois! I don't own one, but I want one really bad :craze: I'm also plus size so I'm worried it wouldn't fit, even though I know they're baggy.
By Deleted User 52618
I love kigus!! I have a share bear one and a unicorn one they are suuuuuper comfy! :shuff:

Ohhh don't worry about others. I felt weird at the[…]

Date cgl site help

That does not seem to work either, I'm afraid. Alt[…]

Identifying Role

For such a long time now I have I identified as a […]

Littlespace/Agere shoes??

There are resources out there that I know of that […]

Has anyone gone to a con?

I have considered going to CAPcon someday. I am on[…]