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DDLB Halloween Costume Ideas?

Posted: |June 13th, 2018|, 11:24 pm
by spaceboyj
It's June, so you know what that means...

time to start thinking about Halloween costumes!!!! :devil:

I love Halloween so much and like to plan super early. I'm in college and am sharing an apartment with my best friend (not my daddy) so he and I are gonna do a paired costume - Damien and Janis from Mean Girls (he's Janis). But we're also gonna do a costume change and have our own individual costumes about halfway through the party, at which point I wanna match with my daddy if he can make it.

Sooooooo anyone have any thoughts on ddlb-ish costumes that are kinda innocent but that we will still know what it means? It could even have a pet play aspect to it. Like, he suggested he could be shaggy and I could he Scooby and he could maybe put a leash on me.

Re: Halloween Costumes!!!!

Posted: |July 9th, 2018|, 11:53 am
by CosmianAndNovella
From Blue’s Clues:
Salt and Paprika

Steve and Blue or Magenta (remember, Blue is a girl and Magenta is a boy)

Pokémon. Ash and any one of his Pokémon, preferably starters as they are perhaps more recognizable.
Credits to artist dannysonicx on Deviant Art.

Pongo and Lucky from 101 Dalmatians.

Greg and Steven from Steven Universe

Mr. Cake and Pound Cake from My Lottle Pony.

Stu and Tommy Pickles from Rugrats.

Mufasa and Simba from The Lion King.

Re: Halloween Costumes!!!!

Posted: |July 24th, 2018|, 1:15 am
by Atalie984
I love Halloween! It’s my favorite holiday. I’m going to go either as a princess or a superhero. I’m not sure yet, but probably a princess.