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By masha
I have a monkey with numbers and his name is bunky and I have had him since I can remember. He's got bean bag hands and feet, so he can hang on my back. He likes to wiggle when he jumps.
By BlueEyesAndAll
Daddy just got me a unicorn, her name is Princess Sassypants. I don't know why, she just looks Sassy and that was her name then the first night I had her I gave her her full name, Princess Sassypants. One of Daddy's names for me is Princess and sometimes I'm sassy too... ;)
Right before valentine's day, me, my roommate, and a friend of ours all went to walmart, and we each grabbed a stuffed animal. Our friend got a lion, my roommate got a tiger, and I got a bear. His name is Mr. Bearington.
But I used to have a giant teddy bear named Big Bear, and he reached to my knee. Sadly I had to throw him away as he started to get bugs where his seams were ripping. :(
By purrfectprincess
I've got two stuffies right now, a white Valentine's bear with a red ribbon that has white hearts on it and a penguin. I'm trying to find names for them, though. :luff:
By RadiatorDaisy
This is jelly, he is my anxiety buddy... we go everywhere together, and I make sure to take lots of pictures of him cause it makes sure I take time to see all the things I want to!

Sometimes when he is good, he gets to sit with daddy and I when we watch scary movies- and only cause we make sure to snuggle him so he doesn't get nightmares!~
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By Rissy
I hate to play favorites. What if someone feels left out? :tears:
But if I had to pick, my favorite is probably Dexter, my dragon! I named him that because he is very smart.
By littlerabbit
I have a stuffed bunny named bunny-kun~ :stuffie: :luff: he's so cute he has floppy ears ::3: :<3:
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