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By sweetstarrr
Mine is a teddy bear named corduroy , his name is based of a cartoon I used to watch and an old picture book (still have) . He's wearing jean overalls which my great grandmother made from some old jeans of mine and he is also wearing a tee shirt that says "I love Sara sooo much!". Its adorable. :) Ive had the bear since I was a baby so he is one of the specialist items I have.
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By Nee-phy
my favorite stuffie is teddy bear named meena it's special to me for no real reason it's one of things where you and something it's the best thing ever
By Mariloli
Mine is a teddy bear, and since im not super creative he is just called Mr. Bear, he is brown with a red bowtie! I love cuddling with him while i sleep, makes me feel better :sleep:
By princessrachel
my favourite stuffie is a little green elephant and her name is Ellie and she has a rattle! I got her when i was born so she's a bit broken in, but i love her very much :luff: :stuffie:
By bluedinosaursocks
My 3 favorites are a spotted eagle ray named Klondike, a dinosaur named Artie (he's my guard dinosaur), and Kiki, my build a bear bunny. Klondike is good for nighttime, cause she's flat, so if I accidentally smush her in the middle of the night, she doesn't wake me up. Artie is my guard dinosaur, he goes to doctors appointments and scary things with me. He also sits on the floor next to my bed. Kiki is good for nighttime too cause my pacifier clips well to her ear.
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By Sugarbuns
I have two fav stuffies- the first one my Daddy ever got me is a tiny Darth Vader I carry with me everywhere and his name is Darth Daddy.
My sleeping stuffie is a grey and blue raccoon named Trash Panda and sometimes I call him Dr. Danger Claws :)
It's so cute reading about everyone's stuffie names- they are all awesome!
By LikkleCub
I gots a pink bunny he's as bid as my head!!!! His name is usa-chan ^_^ I dot him tause I wike the orian host club
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