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By theimpossiblegirl
My favorite stuffie is my white and rainbow teddy bear! It's name is Hope. It's name is Hope because I made it when I was going through a tough time, and just needed a friend. Hope is now my beary best friend!
By KreepyKawaiiKitten13
My favorite stuffie of the many is Shep, a German Shepard. He looks exactly like my Grammie's dog Shep, the best dog in the world, so I named my stuffie after him. :3 We went everywhere together when I was a kid, and now he still sleeps with me and goes on occasional adventures.
By Princess_Kailee
Brendon, He's my Panda I've had for years, he's been through everything with me; I named him Brendon at first cause' of Panic at the disco, but now I think it just fits him
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By littlefox
Mine's a HUGE cream fennec fox named Kitty! I'm actually snuggling with her in my lap right now. Her head's so big and she's so tall that she makes a great headrest while on the computer! ::3: Maybe one day I'll upload a picture of her on here.

I named her Kitty because I love both cats AND foxes, and she's so cute the name just fits. She has a little blue ribbon around her neck and pink fur blushing her cheeks. My other stuffy is one I've had for YEARS. It's a huge Simba from the Lion King. My favorite Disney movie is Lion King and he's perfect to snuggle and sleep with. I alternate which I'm snuggling with every night (with both still in bed with me, of course) and I can't sleep without them!
Daddy took me to build-a-bear workshop and he said I could make two for my birthday so I made 2 care bears, Cheer Bear and tender heart, my favorite one is Cheer Bear, i sleep with it every night and I have my stuffy with me on my days off of work :D
By Chibianna
I have many but my favorite is a big pink unicorn nicknamed prinprin for princess pink
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