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Adulting Sucks

Posted: |November 15th, 2021|, 11:18 pm
by playiinmyhaiir
I don’t enjoy being big. Being big means you have to watch your words, actions, hide. I don’t wanna. I wanna color outside the lines in my color books && not be looked at funny for saying someone is a poopie head when they act like one.

Most times I steal words big me uses so adults can understand me but most times I’m not sure I really know what they mean. It is both funny && frustrating attempting to explain to others why Dora should take better care of her things because I want them.

I hate carrots. Poor bunnies. But little trees are delicious.

Venting means whatever comes to mind right?

Re: Adulting Sucks

Posted: |November 16th, 2021|, 1:20 am
by Mollymoo
It’s okay! I don’t wike being big either. And I don’t like it when people judge the way I talk becuase I stutter sometimes, being big sucks only big people are meanies. You know what, don’t eat carrots we can look after bunnies togeva heheheheh

Re: Adulting Sucks

Posted: |November 16th, 2021|, 8:15 am
by playiinmyhaiir
Studdlers are so cute ! No way ! Hiiii Mollymoo I likes you name. Tankchus for saying hi 🙈 we can has fun wif bunnies but mines gonna eat trees 🤗

Re: Adulting Sucks

Posted: |November 16th, 2021|, 5:49 pm
by DoveM_EllyL
I hate being big too being big means having to go to work and having to wear adult clothes totally not my idea of a fun time.

Re: Adulting Sucks

Posted: |November 18th, 2021|, 3:28 am
by Banana
Yeah being big is very frustrating. I wanna color too and be small with my stuffies and not talk. Talking too much makes me sleepy. Bunnies are cute though. They have friends? :yay:

Re: Adulting Sucks

Posted: |November 27th, 2021|, 1:28 pm
by yaykittybo
I don’t like being big it comes with responsibility, stress and worry, being little is better

Re: Adulting Sucks

Posted: |November 28th, 2021|, 11:16 am
by SmolBean94
I feel like this a lot. I wish I didnt have to worry the way I do when I’m big.

Re: Adulting Sucks

Posted: |December 2nd, 2022|, 12:29 pm
by boyerkarina
I think each of us probably wishes that we would forever be a child so that we would never have to grow up, be carefree, and be happy with life. Because when we grow up and mature, everything is associated with two words of responsibility. But I just want to say to have the courage to accept it and face it, let's just be ourselves because we can't change it, but if we try, life will smile at us. I just wanted to convey such an optimistic benefit to you.

Re: Adulting Sucks

Posted: |December 3rd, 2022|, 10:25 pm
by Lilyann78
I agree! Being big me is stressful and frustrating. Little me is much more carefree and happy. But alas, we have to be big sometimes to take care of responsibilities. But me likes bunnies! Bunnies are cute! Me likes carrots too though.

Re: Adulting Sucks

Posted: |January 24th, 2023|, 2:46 pm
by RedneckKitty
Im convinced that adulting is like trying to eat soup with a fork. It just cant be done!!!! :craze: