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Difference between nicknames?

Posted: |July 17th, 2020|, 1:52 am
by Babyolive
Is there a difference between nicknames?

Like kitten vs babygirl vs baby?

Re: Difference between nicknames?

Posted: |July 18th, 2020|, 2:24 pm
by Motherly
Maybe. It depends on the context.

If these terms are being used as individual signs of affection then it’s really a free for all, just as any endearing nickname. For example, when I was a child my sister playfully called me “booger” sometimes, but that had no defined meaning more than her expressing a playful attitude toward me.

If these terms are being used as personal identifiers then there is meaning to each. For example, a kitten generally displays kitten-like traits, such as purring, as a way of self-expression. Other identifier explanations can be found on our resource page that explains different types of littles.