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How to create an introduction

Posted: |August 22nd, 2017|, 2:55 pm
by Motherly
I understand that many people are visual learners so perhaps some pictures would help guide you through the process if you're new to using forums. Thankfully, it's only a four-step process and not very technologically advanced. So, here are some visual aids to help you through this requirement:

  • Step 1:
    intro1.png (107.96 KiB) Viewed 11382 times
  • Step 2:
    intro2.png (357.73 KiB) Viewed 11382 times
  • Step 3:
    intro3.png (65.11 KiB) Viewed 11382 times
  • Step 4:
    intro4.png (6.19 KiB) Viewed 11382 times
Tips to avoid introduction submission denial:
  • Read the examples provided and feel free to use them as a guide to help creating your own introduction.
  • Do not request members private message you to learn more about you.
  • Talk about only yourself.
    • Avoid talking about your children, friends, partner, or relationship desires.
  • Try to be specific and clear.
    • Vague, generic statements may encourage us to reject the post since it may not seem genuine.
  • Don't try to get around the character-limit requirement.
    • Using spam techniques doesn't help you make an introduction.

If that doesn't help then it may be very possible that we aren't the right community for you at this time. I make such assumption at that point because I can't give any clearer directions than those visual instructions and all members are currently required to post an introduction before being able to participate in most of the popular areas of the site. I hope the above instructions are very clear and helpful to you, but if you find that we aren't a good fit for your needs at this time then do please keep us in mind and try again in the future.