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I only recently started describing myself as a little, before, I think the best term I could come up with was ageplayer. I have a strong interest in age regression, but also a very high sex drive. One of the biggest adult interests or turn-ons I have is "taboo", and enjoying things that are typically considered forbidden and I love dealing with opposites, big with small, older with younger, etc. I really got into this all by enjoying ageplaying as a young boy having sex with an older woman. This fit me quite well because as a younger guy I was always attracted to older women, and my outlet for these roleplays has always been long distance, typically chatrooms. As time went on I started to realize I enjoyed the fantasy more than whatever character I played, and I was a good roleplayer so I even tried the opposite, roleplaying as an older woman with a younger boy, partly I'll be honest due to the fact that it was easier to find partners that way. Only recently I've even taken to roleplaying as a young girl with older men or older man with young girls, strictly in roleplay, not with actual children in any context.

I've always viewed this sort of ageplay as a harmless outlet for physically intimate fantasy. I honestly have zero physically intimate interest whatsoever in children, nor do I condone or tolerate it. In fact I've been chilled to the bone to the point of almost becoming sick at the mere description of what some child molesters have done. I don't consider myself a pedophile in any way, shape, or form. Nor do I fear that my roleplaying will in any way be some gateway drug into that. I enjoy the aspect of a more carefree and playful persona exploring and being curious, I enjoy the taboo juxtaposition of older with younger, but there's no physical attraction at all to children.

What I worry about, what I fear, though is whether or not what is harmless and a safe outlet to me, is decidedly less so to others. I have no doubt most, if perhaps not all of my partners are purely interested in a roleplay scenario, but I admit I take it for granted. I often find myself wondering now if something bad could come of what I think of as harmless. Maybe the person I am talking to really is a pedophile? I take great care to not divulge personal details, I almost always use a different name, and avoid probing questions about the "real me" or my "real family" but as safe as I try to be online, I often wonder if there's something I take for granted. I used to think that it was easy to spot someone who was a real pedophile, and while sometimes this is the case, in other cases I think it's not.

So just curious if anyone else has fears, or worries about this, maybe some advice or feedback... just would like to get other's input.
I also very much fear this! Especially as I am new to this, sometimes I worry about my own self even I find child involvement very wrong. My interests is ageplay with biological adults but I fear that other people will not understand the difference
Honestly, you're probably thinking way too much about it.

True Caregiver/little dynamics are in no way related to child involvement.

child involvement is the attraction to children. This includes everything in regards to the person being a child--physically and mentally. Not just a "childlike" personality or behaviors but everything involved with a person being a child (physical and mental).

CG/l involves a "little girl" or "little boy" (typically) but that person is biologically over the age of 18. He/She is likely physically and mentally matured but has a childlike wonder about her or just simply enjoys childlike activities. It doesn't actually make him/her a child. He/She is physically and mentally still an adult man/woman even if he/she pretends he/she isn't sometimes.

If you're looking for someone (adult art or in-person) that is UNDER 18 then, sure, maybe you are actually into child involvement since under 18 is typically considered a child in most countries.

If you're fantasizing about having physically intimate contact with a child then, yes, you very well may be a pedophile.

If you're fantasizing about being a child then I don't feel like that verges into child involvement at all. There is no way you can actually become a child, and even if you could do that physically--you would likely remain mentally intact as an adult.

It's like, for a Caregiver: If you're looking for an adult man/woman who likes acting silly and, at times, downright childish then you're still looking for an ADULT. They are still mentally an adult, even if they want to pretend they aren't.

If you're fantasizing about a woman (with developed breasts, hips, thighs, height, weight, or other features that you would attribute to being an adult female) playfully acting childlike then that isn't a form of child involvement. If you're fantasizing about a man (with facial or bodily hair, grown/matured genitalia, any form of muscular tone, average height, etc.) playfully acting childlike then that isn't a form of child involvement.

If you're fantasizing about your partner having sex with an actual child (not a person that LOOKS childlike but is simply acting childlike) then maybe you need to take a step back and re-evaluate where you are with kink because that's verging into not-okay territory. You need to draw your mental line. Is the person roleplaying or is the person actually a child, you know?
I agree with star completely on this subject. As someone with a high sex drive as well, I kind of felt i had to tip toe when i first discovered what ageplay was too. But after awhile i realized the 2 dont have to be mutually exclusive. It's pretend, plain and simple. If it's consensual, or unless you're actually fantasizing about children in a physically intimate situation, which would be child involvement, then it's fair game.

Also speaking as someone who over-analyzes like... EVERYTHING, asking questions like this is your best chance at getting a feel from others in the ageplay community.
I am going to be very honest here, as I only really can be on the internet. I have child involvement. I have never touched or harmed a child, and I would kill myself before doing it. It isn't something I can control. I am also a Daddy. I can say with confidence that the two are completely unrelated. My desire for a DD/lg relationship is out of a wish to take care of someone, and help them, and help them in their life. My child involvement is a mental disorder that has nothing to do with that.
miramusq wrote:I have child involvement.
Our community is not welcoming of pedophiles or those with thoughts, desires, and interests in child involvement.

We do not tolerate, accept, encourage, or condone predators or child involvement (interaction with people under the legal age of consent). We also reserve the right to contact authorities and law enforcement about predators, predatory behavior, relative relations, and potential pedophiles. We are very serious about this subject.

Thoughts of pedophilic behavior should absolutely be discussed with a mental health professional and consistent treatment should be sought after. Just because you haven't acted on those desires does not mean you are safe.

Please seek immediate psychological help and ongoing treatment to ensure you do not ever act on those feelings or thoughts. Based on your I.P. address that we have logged, it seems you are a U.S. citizen so...
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I just had a rather heated....Ill be nice and say discussion with someone who sees ddlg as "disgusting" and called it child involvement. I think I would have done a better job at banging my head though a wall than trying to get her to understand the difference. but back to my point, there are far to many people who do not understand there is no physically intimate attraction to children. just simply a dom sub relationship were one is more childlike and the dom is more caring and nurturing. in my eyes there is a huge difference between the two and I have no fear of crossing that line.

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