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I feel like I'm posting a lot of embarrassing stuff on here-- and by embarrassing, I mostly mean intimate. I wouldn't be able to say half of this stuff out loud... mostly likely? Maybe. Either way.
This is kind of just a shout to the void to see if anyone else was little with a personality disorder?
I was diagnosed with BPD (borderline personality disorder) but my therapist and I have come to the consensus that it was probably just ADHD and then... well... life happened, only exasperated by my biological parents' general ignorance on how to care for a child with ADHD.
I'm on medication and generally okay day to day, but I've noticed a couple ways BPD and little space bump into each other.
- Sometimes I can't get into little space because I'm too self-conscious about the people around me.
- eating real adult food is hard and only exasperated by the disorder's tendency to cause casual body dysmorphia.
-extreme ideation of potential partners make it really hard to suss out the real CGs from ones who just enjoy my submission.
-I stomp a lot when I'm frustrated... or like... throw my fists down? Like I'm punching the air almost? Idk I've been told I throw my own version of little tantrums (this one's not a bad thing, really, I just feel that I stomp more than the average almost 22 yr old) ****
-When I dissociate it's easy to slip into little space.
-Despite not being a VERY little little (I feel like 6 is pretty oLd) I get borderline (hehe) nonverbal when I am little-- I'm not sure if that's due to this dissociation or why that is (HONESTLY THATS A GREAT QUESTION IF ANYONE HAS ANY IDEAS ON WHY THAT HAPPENS)

I'm sure there are other things that I'm not thinking of right now. Anyways, I would love to hear from anyone who has a similar experience! Thank you all for being such a welcoming community
**** this used to be a lot worse (ie: breakdowns as opposed to tantrums but that's what therapy and medication are for! I've def seen an improvement!!!)
Hi :bheart:
I've been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disroder, depression, PTSD and at one point BPD (but the psychiatrist said I don't fit the complete criteria for BPD) and i'm on some medication as well.

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