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Hi y'all have any of you ever been homeless or near homeless. I'm thinking of selling my car to just get some money to pay my rent so I can have a few months more. I'm so unsure of what to do and how to do it. Plus on top of that I'm a little who is single and just want someone to take care of me. As a Christian I am trying to trust God and I know He will take care of me but it's hard sometimes. Anyone know how it feels to be homeless/near homelessness.
I do Hopeisreal, ive been homeless before for a couple months. I can be very depressing and you can loose hope and motivation. For me, i put my faith in God and gave my troubles to him. I helped out of course, but i let God lead me to a better life and He DID! I 'never' lost faith no matter where i was, or what was happening. Thats the key to surviving anything! I saw my situation as a learning curve...telling me that i needed to learn something in order to move onto the next phase of my life. Don't loose hope, God will always be there for you and will always send what you need, when you need it. Just keep your eyes open because you might not recognize it right away :)
Thank you for your words and sharing your story. It's so hard to say that I'm close to homelessness. But I keep telling myself that whatever happens next God is still God and He is still good. That He will be there for me no matter what I face. It definitely has already been stretching my faith with money woes and filing for disability etc. I can do it with Jesus helping me. It may be hard but I don't have to face it alone whatever happens.
Thats VERY true. With God, we are 'never' alone! His will and His guidence will always give us the strength to handle anything! We just have to have faith and and belief that our path in life may sometimes be a battle, but we can never learn and grow stronger if we dont allow things to help us...knowing full well that God is right there with us at ALL times!
I've been homeless, living in my car while working. I'd actually sleep in the parking lot of where I worked and would use their employee laundry and employee showers.
If you can, call your utility company, they may be able to give you a number to call to get assistance that isn't DSHS ect. When I was close to being homeless again I called my power company to tell them I wouldn't be able to pay and would need to be put on a payment plan. Since it was near winter they got me in touch with a company near me called HopeLink and based on my income they were able to talk to the power company to give me a 700.00 credit on my power bill which essentially paid it for 5 months. But HopeLink was also able to get me in touch with people for rent assistance and to help with food stamps ect.
Don't be afraid to ask for help. Its out there and as long as your honest they will do the best they can to help you.
Tomorrow I'm going to go to the Salvation Army and various churches for help money wise. The good thing about my rent is it's just rent there are no utilities to pay. I applied for section 8 housing and am on the list and have to wait. It's hard to ask for help especially with my anxiety. But I am trying to seek help as much as I can. Thank you for your help.
Its tough im sorry you’re going through that ive not necessarily been homeless perse but i have by choice lived in my jeep for a little while while traveling and i just dont suggest selling your car in this economy so to speak, my car is not only a huge interest for me but it has heat and comfort And can shield me from the elements and also help me get around, so if things did get any worse and i really hope they get better for you but if they do atleast you have some form of shelter you can do a lot with a car pile blankets in it keep alot of your important belongings in it just my opinion i hope it belps i hope things change for the better for u i really do.
Thank you for your story, advice and kind words. I am thinking along the same lines of you that maybe I shouldn't sell my car. Because like you said if worse comes to worse I can have shelter in my car. And be able to put all my belongings (at least most) in my car etc. I'm hoping that I can get some money today from the Salvation Army or churches. But if not I'd have my car. Plus I thought I about living in my car before for financial reasons.

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