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My 'little' storage drawer

Posted: |February 1st, 2018|, 3:02 pm
by RaindropSun
I collectee little bits and pieces over time, and put some of my fav things in a little drawer. Its easier to tuck away and hide from snooping people and it makes it easy to find what i want

I dont have EVERYTHING in there, i have some plush toys and comics that i dont put in there because theyre ok for me to have out (gifts from friends and comics are comics as far as i care) and theyre too big to fit in there too haha




It doubles as a decent cover too because all the surface stuff people know i have and use and play with anyway because ive always been like that and it really helps with anxiety and moods and getting stuck in negative loops. I kinda hide the stuff i chew on and bath toys under it all cause thats harder to explain (there was a lot of fuss about me always chewing on stuff and having a suckie for so long before i gave up and just sucked my thumb- but sometimes you need both hands for games and stuff!)

I have other coloring books but i have those out in the open a lot too so them and my plush toys i wont take pictures of because theyre kind of unique and memorable. I also have lots of other little toys like in the one box but theyre all scattered through my jackets and bags because i like spinning toy car wheels more than fidget spinners when im out n about. Im also missing my one chewy bath toy thats a little red crab! Its my favorite right now

Re: My 'little' storage drawer

Posted: |April 7th, 2018|, 11:12 am
by Snowflake911
Very nice! Is a neat idea. And I really like your boats! I'm working on putting together a better and bigger box for my little stuff so it's nice to see some ideas! Thanks for sharing.

Re: My 'little' storage drawer

Posted: |April 8th, 2018|, 3:09 pm
by DaddyandKitten
I love the color scheme for your little stuff whether it be intentional or not! c: most of my toys are pink or purple hehe /.\ I need to get more crafty stuff fir my "little" box cx I really like the organization method! I'm going to have to start doing that, and seeing your Play-doh reminded me that I definitely need to get some :yay: I really enjoy your little gear, thank you for sharing! -kitten