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So I know this is silly and I'm getting worked up over nothing but well it's upsetting me all the same... I swear people just surprise me

I don't know if this is triggering to anyone but I'll be speaking about bnha and make light references to it's toxic fandom

Someone got upset that I commented on YouTube that Tamaki is my small little boy?? Like I really said that and that I love him very much! Because I do!
His social and general anxiety are incredibly relatable to me because I suffer the same and I was just expressing my appreciation like many people do.

Literally everyone has done this and continues doing this to all characters everywhere? Like it's just a figure of speech, just a way to say you love this character right? But noooooo

"He's an 18 old ADULT" Fam calm down its not that deep :-| :-| how long have you been on the internet? is this your first time interacting with the fandom?
You're gonna be shocked as heck when you find out what they say about the grown up heroes and villains lol
"uwu Dabi small baby bean boy has done nothing wrong ever" || "All Might in his true form is Small Might <3 he cutiepatootie"

This fandom is already toxic as hell and I hate interacting with it, it made me drop bnha for a good time and I still can't find myself to keep with the updates because it's not the same (I know the manga itself never harmed me but you know)
People have haressed me and old friends of mine because of dumb things such as pairings and liking/disliking characters and though I've mostly made peace with this and moved on, my enthusiasm and love just isn't as strong

Random person don't go be creating drama and problems on something that isn't a problem, don't go be stealing the little enthusiasm and love I still have for this. There are so many problems in here but literally this isn't it, please go bother and fight people that actually cause problems
New to being a little

Thank you I really appreciate you insight here :bh[…]

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