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By Deleted User 70612
I think several coming into this community have the wrong idea of what we or even what this is all about from material that they are reading from. If you have been reading fan fiction, wattpad, other site or anything like those then you have been sorely misguided.
There is no such thing as a 24/7 little who gets to act like a brat and throws fits in public and nobody cares or even looks at them. We live in a world where we are the odd one. Yes, I know in here it is a safe space and feels like we are not but in reality we are. There
is also a difference between a daddy/mommy and a sugar daddy/mommy. A Caregiver is one that will see to your needs in littlespace and make sure you are kept safe. It does not mean that he/she will give you all the money you can spend. I think some are getting that confused. This is not a site
for sugar babies or sugar daddies/mommies.

As for the 24/7 little. If you say "I have trouble controlling myself in public and keep regressing", then that is a mental problem not a regression problem. It is time to talk to a Therapist. Littles have to be adults as well and work and do adult things in the adult world . That is life!!!
I am not saying this to be mean. I am saying this because of the many who come on here looking for a cg to step in and do everything for them, so they do not have to do anything at home or work. Even the little's who stay home do the house work while their cgs are supplying
the daily living income. Get your head out of the stupid fan fiction and back into reality. All these things have caused a mix of creepy trolls to come out in the form of people calling themselves abs/littles/middle/furries and even cgs.

I am sorry about going off on this just tired of seeing all these so called littles and so called cgs on the forums that are not even here for a week trolling around.
By Deleted User 62376
I have a few thoughts on this as well.

The first time I ever heard about littlespace was while reading a fanfiction. Before that point I never thought that there were other people like me out in the world. I think that if you find out something that you like or something about yourself through reading a work of fiction that is fine. However it is then your responsibility to actually do research on what the real life equivalent is, and not just take what you read as fact. After I read the fanfiction I did research on what littlespace actually is, what a CG/l relationship actually looks like, and what the realistic expectations were.

I also looked up proper etiquette(for those who don't know this means acceptable behavior) and recently there are a lot of people that come in and completely ignore this.

A few things that I've noticed with newbies that are NOT okay:
  • Calling a caregiver that you just met "Mommy" or "Daddy"
  • Treating an adult baby/little/middle that you just met as though they are yours
**The CG/l relationship is just that a relationship, you wouldn't walk up to a stranger on the street and call them boyfriend/girlfriend/significant other or husband/wife/spouse, because it's rude**
  • Treating someone who is already in a committed established relationship as though they aren't
**This includes behaving as though you are their Caregiver or their Little even though you know they already have one**
  • If you have been told that something you have said/done made someone uncomfortable you DO NOT blow up at them and get angry with them
**The correct response is to apologize and to not continue to say those things or do those things**
**If someone tells you that you hurt them you don't get to decide that you didn't**

  • If you ask someone to be your CareGiver or your Little and they say No do not take that as a cue to badger them to try and get them to say Yes
**No means no, it is the answer, it may not be the one you wanted but it was the answer to the question**
**All continuing to badger someone about something after they have said "No" does is show that person that you don't care about their comfort, or what they want, and that the only thing that matters to you is your comfort and what you want**
Moonie wrote: 1 year agoAs for the 24/7 little. If you say "I have trouble controlling myself in public and keep regressing", then that is a mental problem not a regression problem. It is time to talk to a Therapist.
Man you think it gets like this here, try other site. It' actual nightmare over there. And of course nobody wants to listen and they've found themselves an echo chamber where they can continue going on with their misinformation. Where they believe it's normal to regress uncontrollably, to lose motor and mental skills while regressed, to develop amnesia about times when regressed...I HOPE most of them are just making snailpoop up for attention or to impress people or something. (To a POINT, I get it, there are certain situations that make my brain go into shutdown mode. But it's like any other stress response; you should be working to control it rather than letting it control you.)

There's also a LOT of selfishness out there I find. People whining about how classmates, friends, etc, won't indulge their regression, and everyone rushes to tell them how mistreated they are. Like...not everything is about you??? You're not actually a child??? I see people throwing fits because their significant others are dealing with a lot of snailpoop and can't indulge the little stuff at the moment, and they act like it's abuse.

Sucks because I would love to connect with littles who have a realistic viewpoint of the subject, but they just don't seem to be out there. (Also most of them seem to be underage and I'm 39 - while I have no ill intentions it's still better for them to have friends their own age, and for me to do so as well!)
By Deleted User 73026
Moonie, you are 100% correct in your assessments. We live in a world where we have to exist. A fantasy life where that inner child exists all the time is just that a fantasy. It is not reality, and if you are unmoored from reality and floating in this fantasy world then there are repercussions tied to that, and getting a bearing on such is key. So agree entirely that therapy would be the route to go as that goes past the AB lifestyle even, because a lifestyle still is a life that exists in this world, and makes concessions and is not all demanding or all encompassing.

I personally just to put things out there and show where I am coming from would be more of a session based little. While it is enjoyable to be little I don't feel an all encompassing need to regress, I choose to do so because it is something that is enjoyable for me, and lets me more intimately express emotions I otherwise do have some issues experiencing at times. If I couldn't experience those emotions at all outside of being little for instance I would want to seek a therapists support on finding out why I was so cold unless in littlespace. But my partner I have at a long distance, I feel emotion very strongly alongisde them when in littlespace or outside of it, so I just know that my feelings are an attachment situation, where I just need to feel strong value for something to unlock those deep emotions, and my goodness does it feel good to have those strong deep connections. If you are reading this and you know who you are, I love you deeply! This slight rant is to acknowledge that everything has a tipping point for when medical support is needed. Let me go ahead and describe a potential middle ground and provide more immersion for heavy roleplayers, and hardcore lifestyle activists, but account for that need to be an adult.

A reasonable middle ground hypothetically would be something akin to when going into littlespace for a scene or the evening depending on arrangements would be something like a caregiver coming in and asking how their little was for the babysitter. Kind of separate out the adult self from little self to a point, which can help phase into littlespace when addressed as such. Afterall caregiver has to work and the reason they weren't about prior is now justified, as your adult self was watching over you and keeping up everything giving justification as to why you were in your adult headspace as well. I haven't had the chance to try this dynamic as I have not been live in with a caregiver as of yet, but I feel this lends credibility to having to be an adult because you are at that time more or less babysitting yourself and having to step up. This can even work if the relationship is more AB than vanilla, because when the little has to go into work or is tasked with several chores cleaning the house, when the caregiver leaves they could lead into the more adult side of things and kind of transition towards telling the little to be good for their babysitter and have an outro of sorts.

Even for more intense roleplayers that want to be close to 24/7 this is an agreement that has to exist. Even if you want to be little most of the time we live in a world where you have to be an adult at times, or there will be problems in one shape or another. The above was honestly something I came up with while typing this response and there may be holes in it, but I actually feel it could be a framework that works well for some, giving them that potential for immersion into the lifestyle but also setup a reason for them to be the adult at times, afterall a child can not be left alone and when they in reality have to do adult things, whether it be at a job, in public, or at home they don't have a caregiver holding their hand, maybe a partner that is happy to be there for them on the same level if say out in public shopping or going to see a movie, or on a date night, but they are still responsible for themselves and in that essence need to be their own adult watching over themselves. A babysitter if you will, to take on the day to day responsibilities getting them through.

We all put on masks for day to day life, "the loyal worker" "the courteous samaritan" "the good friend" but at our cores, we only shed all of those masks and show ourselves bare to those that we truly trust. And for us to trust others, we must first learn to trust ourselves. To trust ourselves we have to have what we feel makes us whole and honest with ourselves, and if what we feel makes us whole is something moored outside of reality, then that is unobtainable in this existence and as such leads to mental illness that needs adjustment to allow one to find happiness within our reality so that all those dominoes prior can start to fall into place.
Identifying Role

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Caregivers leaving for work

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