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New, inexperienced, and recently discovered adult babies, regressors, littles, and Caregivers ask for perspectives, advice, tips, and information from more knowledgeable friends.
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I haven't been here in a super long time. Hi guuyss, Happy late Christmas I hope it was a good day for y'all! ^^ Soo, I never really considered it before but I'm thinking about getting an adult pacifer cause I THINK I'm grinding my teeth at night when I sleep and it's resulting in some problems with them being sensitive, also my tongue pushing against my teeth doesn't help either.

So I was wondering, does anybody have suggestions about what nipple size I should get since I never had a pacifer before? I heard once that the nuk ones were really good but like, does anybody have any other suggestions that I could consider before buying one?
i'm no expert by any means but i can tell you that i just bought a normal (well,two since it was set) pacifier and it works (and fits) perfectly as is. granted,the size of your mouth may or may not be a issue but my suggestion is to not even worry about the size and just buy a normal baby one that you think looks nice (i did: mine have stars and glow in the dark. also don't even worry about people seeing you buy it: no one will ask and if they do,you can just tell them you have a friend or relative that just had a baby and leave it at that). i know it might not be the response you were looking for but if your worry is if it will be too small for your mouth then you likely don't have anything to worry about.

Ohhh don't worry about others. I felt weird at the[…]

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