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Looking for your Caregiver? Waiting for your Daddy? Mommy? Auntie? Uncle? Big Brother? Older Sister? Or maybe even your little sister or brother? Let them know you're looking for them.
(Age 18+ seeking 18+ only!)
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DateCGL Username (required): ImLovelyFawn
Legal Age: 31
Gender Identity: Female
physically intimate Orientation: Heteroflexible
Location: Arizona
Current Marital or Relationship Status: Single

Approximate Regression Age Range: Unsure

What type of partner are you looking for here? I’m looking for a Daddy Dom. I am mainly looking for someone who can provide a nurturing, kind and gentle hand. I’m not a brat, but I have my moments on occasion. I would like someone who is firm enough to put me in my place, but gentle enough to offer me word of encouragement as well. I would say I’m very clingy, but respect boundaries and people’s wants and needs. I am currently exploring so I would prefer a dom who is open to a poly relationship or something more open so I am able to explore with some guidance.

Are you open to long distance relationships or only local matches? I am mainly looking for a local match, but I am open to others if the connection is right.

Do you prefer polyamorous or monogamous relationships? I am polyamorous with no current partners.

Describe your perfect match and some great qualities that they would have: Empathy, kindness and loving nature are very important to me. Additionally I have ver nerdy and artist interests. I love to find someone who like things like gaming and anime, but if not I’m sure there are other things we can bond over.

What are some things that have led you to identifying as a little? being a little is not some thing that is a choice for me. It is innate. When I discovered the caregiver little dynamic, it was eye-opening to me. I spent my whole life feeling this way, and thought it was a unique and obscure experience and I want to be able to relate to you. I thought that I was needy and overly sensitive and childish, but now I know I’m just a little with needs and there’s nothing wrong with that.

Are you into physically intimate and/or nonsexual Caregiver/little regression? I am physically intimate

How long have you identified as a Little? Since 2018

Are you a Little that likes to or expects to be punished? I am not a brat but I do act up on occasion to get attention when I’m feeling upset or scared. I expect to be punished for bad behavior, but I do not expect it to be a common occurrence. I expect my Daddy to know when it it appropriate.

What do you think you have to offer to a partner? I believe that doms need just as much love, nurturing, and care that littles do and other sub types. I have a genuine love of people, and I want to express that and show how much I care on a daily basis. I am not new to relationships. I’m true to them. Meaning that no matter how fresh of a start we have I will treat someone with the same respect I would show someone that I hold in high regard. I think we are all meeting in our own ways, and I want to make sure that my partner’s needs are met. Even if I’m a little to my responsibility to make sure my dom is taken care of. I love deeply, and I don’t know how to express that in any other way, but authentically.

I have a gentle nature coupled with a praise kink that makes me very good girl. I do have little fight in me from time to time and can get sassy when I really need attention. I’m basically a nerd! I like music, art, anime, video games, movies, reading and shopping. I spend most of my time doing creative stuff like drawing or making jewelry, stickers and bookmarks.

Describe one of your favorite nonsexual fantasies or scenarios: Simply enjoying each other’s company. Not having to do the same thing or even having a conversation just enjoying the space together. Knowing the other person is there and finding comfort in each other.

What are 5 nonsexual things you enjoy? Art, gaming, music, anime and shopping!

Video games I like: RPGs, Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, Pokémon, Kingdom Hearts, Klonoa, Earthbound, Skyrim and more!

Music I like: literally a little of everything.

Movies/ Series I like: Anything Horror, Harry Potter, Marvel, Jurassic Park, The Mummy, Game of Thrones, Euphoria, Big Love, The Sopranos, Stranger Things, YOU, Lucifer, Supernatural and more!

Anime I like: Fruits Basket, My Hero Academia, Attack on Titan, Fullmetal Alchemist, Death Note, Samurai Champloo, Wolf’s Rain, Inuyasha, Dragon Ball Z and more!

What are 3 movies or TV shows you enjoy?
My favorite movies are the mummy Jurassic Park and clue.

What are 3 of your favorite foods? chicken burritos, fruit, and candy

What are 3 of your favorite songs, bands, or musical artists? I do not have any favorites I love all kinds of music and all types of genres. I don’t follow artists in particular. I just let the songs find me. Right now I’m listening to here in my room by incubus, Aphrodite by rini and lost, and found by survive, said the Prophet

What is something you have recently learned? I recently learned that you can’t pour from an empty cup. I’ve heard the phrase 1 million times but I recently learned how true it is.

What is your current biggest life achievement? Getting my bachelors degree in psychology. I cannot wait to go back and get my masters and PhD.

During an argument or disagreement with a partner, how do you typically react? I never yell, or raise my voice. I don’t name call or take the low road. I express how I’m feeling and allow them to do the same. Once you’re ready, we will discuss and come up with a solution to the problem. I believe you should always apologize even if you don’t feel at fault.

What do you think of being partnered to a Caregiver who requires a large portion of your attention? I love it. I’m very needy and very clingy. I respect boundaries, but attention is very important to me. I thrive in an environment where I am able to express myself by nurturing my partner, and receiving that same care in return.

What are some other things you would like to tell a potentially interested partner about yourself? I would love to express that I am 6 feet tall, a bbw, half black, half white polyamorous, and have a big heart.
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