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By LillithPandora
Hi there everyone. Just curious if anyone else is stuck in little space all the time due to BPD. I used to think there was something horribly wrong with me before I was diagnosed and learned I'd stopped emotionally maturing after my mom died when I was seven. I never grew up and never really wanted to even though the world told me I had to. I learned to stop caring what judgmental thought of me and realized I really like how I turned out. I'm exactly the way I said I wanted to be when I was a little kid. I didn't give up my dreams, or stop playing with toys, or settle for other people's content lives just cuz I wanted to fit in. If I had a time machine and visited my self when I was small I'd be so happy to see how cute, and colorful, and unique I turned out to be. I ended up typing a lot more than I planned, but I think it's otay. If anyone has gone through something similar I'd love to hear about it. Feel free to PM me.
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By LittleDerps
Are you talking about Borderline Personality? I've been diagnosed with Borderline for ~5 years now and was wondering if it had something to do with me being a little, since we always get criticized for being "childish". I feel like regressing is the only thing that helps stop Depersonalization/Derealization for me! I'm glad you can see some positivity in it after such a rough childhood :stuffie:
By Daddy_Dakaloo
I've recently been diagnoses with Borderline. I was also wondering what was wrong with me and why was I so different from everybody. I guess we all experience it differently, but for me it was difficult to be alone on bad days. And when I was alone I resorted to hurting myself physically. I'm okay now and on medicine. Since I've been given my diagnosis now I can start to actively manage it knowing that I am not my disorder.
By TenshiPT
I've been diagnosed with BPD when I was 19, I did took it differently than you LillithPandora, I was a bit more like Dakaloo, as in, I had some trouble being by myself, I felt I was completely outside of the box. However, after medication and therapy I'm mostly able to control myself, I still have some of the problems, but they're not as frequent because I've got tools to try to help with what I feel. I'm still quite out of the norm, but I kind of embraced it, as I found the norm pretty much boring
By DrWill
I think being a little is probably a good thing and very adaptive way of dealing with borderline. There can be a real lack of a stable self-image in borderline and to embrace your little, to go into littlespace, is a good way to get some assurance that you are who you are and that's OK. The scary side of borderline is the tendency to hurt yourself or lose control of your anger. So, I guess, in that way, it's like any other disorder. There are adaptive and healthier ways to deal with the symptoms and there are unhealthy and scary ways to deal with the symptoms. I think you've done a great job of finding the healthy ways. If, however, you're talking about bipolar disorder (also sometimes called BPD), then the same arguments still stand - there's a healthy way and an unhealthy way, but the symptoms are different. Good for you for being willing to share this part of yourself here. Talking about our vulnerabilities is what makes us stronger and inspires others to be strong too.
By CrinkleCakes
I was diagnosed with BPD and Mixed Bipolar at a very young age. Along with various other things, almost twelve years ago now. Ever since I was a teenager I've struggled with personality problems and mood swings added with severe anxiety and anger. I'm so happy I'm not alone. It helps to read there other people that identify as littles, that also struggle with these things. I've been in and out of mental hospitals majority of my life span. My parents disowned me because I wasn't capable of functioning on an adult level, and were very abusive people. When I turned eighteen, seven years ago, I came out to my parent's that I knew something was wrong with me other than my BPD and other illness's. I explained to them my desires to be little all the time, how I loved to suck my thumb, and act childish, and the idea of wearing kid pull ups (because back then I fit into them) made me calm and comfortable. They didn't take it well. I didn't know what DDlg or AB was back then. It was several months later when I discovered what it was. I'm so happy to be apart of a community with others like me. I'm so happy there is support for the younger people now, that I didn't have when I was 18.
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