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I'm shaking right now.. yesterday I decided to venture out and join another online community to make other little friends and talk with others in the community.. I filled out my profile, had some pleasant chats, and posted in the forum topics trying to be open and engaging.. and then I go to check it and I'm banned today.. I felt so happy and optimistic about finally making friends and getting to share this side of me with others who understand.. because I've had a hard time making friends because of social anxiety.. and it's so shocking to be cut off without an explanation! I sent the staff an email and hope I at least get an explanation.. if I messed up, I can understand and accept that.. but it's so triggering to me.. I'm doing some deep breathing and maybe I will do some coloring or play a game..
i actually got banned from another site as well over something that wasnt my fault. anyways, i joined it again, had my profile for about less than 24 hrs and im banned. i also left the a chat group between the people apart of the site i met them on. i was hitting a rough patch and someone privately messaged me telling me i needed help and i told them straight up i can not afford it because im unemployed and i dont have insurence and that the a chat group was my safe haven. i was triggering people even tho i put a TW and blocked out my message. i said what the trigger warning was about. i straight up told her its not my fault people still clicked it when they fully knew what the TW was. i emailed the site and asked why i was banned and they never got back, i even had another IP address when i left and i still got banned even tho i only said my name and state. how did they know it was me? i had a different name and everything, they just banning people named Elliot in Minneota??! some of the sites are poorly managed and problematic. this one is not
Thank you for responding and although I'm sorry you had such an experience, I'm relieved to know I'm not the only one..

I've been on this site off and on over the 5ish years I found out I was a little.. and I always recommend it as it has always been a safe place and very informative. It feels like a safe haven I can come back to.

Therapy is expensive.. but very much worth it yo me. Thank goodness. But I understand! They most definitely could have handled that better, instead of banning you.. especially if you're already going through a rough time. 🙏🏼🌟🌿
i'm sorry but...get over it? being randomly banned from a website is hardly the worst possible thing that can happen to someone (least of all one you JUST joined) and you still have THIS site to talk to people about this stuff so i really think you're overreacting about how bad it is. hell,it's possible that i'll be banned just for this one reply but i honestly don't care because i've been banned from sites before and it's no big deal (hell,just make a new account if you want to be on that site so much).

i'm not sure what exactly is "triggering" about being banned but ya gotta suck it up because there are way worse things out there and you really shouldn't care this much about some site you only just joined. just accept that you got banned for whatever reason and either move on and focus on this site or make a new account and try again. either way,it ain't healthy to be this bothered by something so small.

i'm not sure how likely this is to pee off the whole site but i don't really care because it needed to be said. i'm not saying it to be mean,i'm saying it to make you stronger and if that's a crime then so be it.
I see what you're saying and basically, yes, I agree. One has to direct their energy where it is most constructive if they want to get themselves out of an undesirable situation.

When I used the term triggered, it is in reference to the the very physical and emotional reaction I have based on trauma/CPTSD. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to reason with this strong reaction that overwhelms the senses. It is triggered by things that are seemingly unrelated or insignificant.. but what helps is being able to vent, to share my thoughts "out loud" so I don't feel so trapped with them inside my own head. Yesterday I was very upset but like I said, I did some deep breathing and focused on other things to get through being triggered. I will probably write in my journal about it as well.
By Deleted User 70612
@LittleSamantha This is a safe and secure site for everyone insulting or denigrating is not appropriate behavior. If this continues after this warning you will be IP banned. On here we respect and help not ridicule people.

i didn't realize there was a deeper factor here and i apologize if i came off a bit harsh. i'm glad we mostly agree,though and honestly if the site is that quick to ban you without so much as a warning or explanation then it is likely a shitty site anyway that you wouldn't want any part of down the line.

some sites are just badly run,even if some of the people on them are decent.

i wasn't ridiculing anyone: i was trying to explain that there are worst things than being banned and sometimes you just have to suck it up. and wouldn't ya know it? they agreed with me. they aren't even so much offended by what i said much less deeply affected by it so maybe read the room first before you start threatening to ban me for something that i wasn't even doing and the person involved was fine with.

last place a site like this needs are oversensitive mods that get offended FOR other people so if that is what kind of place this is then feel free to ban me right now because i don't have any tolerance for that bull snailpoop and i don't have any tolerance for mods that don't know the difference between constructive criticism and ridiculing.
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