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Discuss styling or wearing garments like cloth or disposable diapers, pull-ups, training pants, rompers, onesies, shortalls, dresses, plastic jewelry, and more. We can also help with designing little zones in your homes. Let us help you create your new look or redecorate your space!
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I remember when I was about 5, my mom was changing my little sister, and she made a joke about "catching me and putting me into diapers". So of course I laughed and ran, and she went back to changing my sister. I remember being really disappointed, I wished she had caught me, I realized in that moment, that I wanted to be put back into diapers. And by 7, when I was alone, I started wearing my sheets like diapers, and pretend like I was a baby.
So you're definitely not alone. Honestly, I sort of figured this was common among littles.
I have always acted younger than I am , and always hated underwear.. when I was younger I used to opt to wear bloomers instead but as I got older I got curious, byou chance I received a nappy sample in the mail and had to try it on... it fitted and felt so comfy I'm hooked.... it's been a year since I have worn one as unsure of how to tellyou parter/daddy that I want him to change my bum
I can remember wanting to wear diapers again since I was about 5 or 6 years old. I remember finding an old diaper at my grandparents house and bringing it home with me. I secretly wore it when I went to bed for a night or two and hiding it under my pillow. The sticky tapes wore out one night and I can remember being caught by my parents while trying to refasten them while under the covers. Oddly I don't remember what happened after but I do remember still wanting to be back in diapers for years after that through today.
I think a lot, if not a majority of diaper lovers develop an awareness of these type of feelings from a very young age. I was a bedwetter until I was about six years old and I wore diapers pretty regularly to bed until that point. My accidents were nearly every night, so our family paediatrician recommended this. Some of my very earliest memories, while quite vague today, are from about 5 years old, and wanting to wear the diapers I wore at night, during the day. Essentially wishing I was back in diapers altogether. I wore my first diaper in secret when I was seven years old. I got my first allowance at the age of 10, and literally the first thing I purchased (in secret of course) were diapers. I had no way of truly understanding or putting into any context, what I felt back then, but I knew very young that there was something about diapers. I’ve also found that a lot of littles who wear diapers, usually fall into this category. In my experience, it’s not very often that a connection to diapers develops later in life. It’s almost always very early.
I also began a craving for diapers at a very young age. I remember wetting my pants on purpose at about 6. It was very soon after that I started borrowing my toddler sisters' training pants and wetting them. After years of self-imposed feelings of shame, I am finally comfortable with the fact I need to wear diapers in my life.
I started having feeling of them since I was in kindergarten. I wasn't exactly into them but I was very curious about them, and as a 5 year old I felt that it was wrong because "diapers are only for babies" or so said my sister. But as I began getting older I was being to have dreams and daydreams about being a baby, or young child as I started getting into my teens. And here I am now. New to it but ever so comfortable with knowing I like diapers.
I wasn't quite so young but I liked them since about.... puberty age.....? 13ish I would say for me... and to me... I keep thinking it was horniness but also.... it has also brought me a sense of comfort.... and embarrassment for that sense of comfort... it is bizarre... plus it is a liberating neediness too.... kind of weird... but also lovely.
Well it looks like I'm a bit of an anomaly, but diapers weren't even on my radar until about 5 years ago. Once I stumbled onto them and this lifestyle I was pretty much immediately hooked, but I don't have any memory of anything happening when I was younger to spark this desire. Yet here I am now, wanting to wear as much as possible. Can't track down any source for myself, it just is what it is and what I want.

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