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Questions for Littles
1. What do you identify as? Cisgender Female
2. Do you have a caregiver? Yes
3. If so, do you see them often in person? Yes
4. What's your favorite part of being Little? The safety and security and vulnerablity
5. What kind of little/kitty/puppy stuff do you own? Pacies, onsies, and stuffies, and an awesome itai bag
6. Big or small stuffies? Small
7. Favorite little space activity? haven't found one yet.
8. Favorite thing for your caregiver to do? Fetch my paci
9. What little/kitty/puppy items do you want to own? More of same!
10. If your caregiver were to give you a present, what would you want it to be? Funny butt plug with cute detail.
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By minty
1. i switch between little girl and cg, but i like being little the best!
2. yes, my papa
3. kinda, we see each other every few months since he lives far away from me
4. the feeling of being suuuper carefree and also how cute it is!!
5. i have some pacifiers that i decorated, some diapers, onesies, and lots of plushies and toys~
6. my favorite stuffie is pretty big! he's about 4 and a half feet long
7. coloring and drawing~~
8. it makes me really happy when he calls me princess ;w;
9. i want some nice diapers made for AB...and also more dolls
10. anything homemade!
1. What do you identify as? DemiPASTELPUNKBoy
2. Do you have a caregiver? Yus!
3. If so, do you see them often in person? Mmm I wish every moment..
4. What's your favorite part of being Little? Freakin Stuffies!! And cuddle sessions with Beau. ♡♡♡
5. What kind of little/kitty/puppy stuff do you own? Nukies, stuffies, toys, glow in the dark!
6. Big or small stuffies? BOTH PLEASEEE
7. Favorite little space activity? MOVIE BINGING WITH BEAU!
8. Favorite thing for your caregiver to do? Butt rubs or head pets ♡
9. What little/kitty/puppy items do you want to own? A fort.. more fairy lights...all the world's most precious stuffies handpicked by me, more clothes?
10. If your caregiver were to give you a present, what would you want it to be? ...ahem.. NSFW
1. What do you identify as? Little girl

2. Do you have a caregiver? No, by choice.

3. If so, do you see them often in person? N/A

4. What's your favorite part of being Little? able to leave the problems behind of the big world behind for a little while

5. What kind of little/kitty/puppy stuff do you own? coloring books, toys, video games

6. Big or small stuffies? both

7. Favorite little space activity? still learning

8. Favorite thing for your caregiver to do? N/A
9. What little/kitty/puppy items do you want to own? More movies and my little pony things

10. If your caregiver were to give you a present, what would you want it to be? anything Hello Kitty
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By Sky
what do you identify as ? a tween 11-13

do you have a caregiver? not any more i don't no

what is my favorite part of being a tween? its who i have always felt comfortable being so to me its just a part of every day life unless i have to adult *rolls my eyes* yuck
what kids of stuff do i have ? hmm i have quite a few thigs i collect stickers anime i do have a few toys figgett spinners don't tell anyone i still have a littlest pet shop collection and shopkins too i like to game so i have a few computers laptops and tons of games and i belong to a lot of gaming sites steam xbox, utimik, etc and a few stuffies

big or little stuffies ? i like small tiny things so ide say little but i have a big horse that takes up half the bed that i sleep with

favorite little activity? i would have to say gaming

favorite thing for a caregiver to do ? hmm i used to love to cuddle and watch tv and talk and i enjoy gaming too so that would be a fun thing to do together

what would i want a caregiver to give me as a gift? his or her time affection guidance and understanding
1. What do you identify as? Little, 9 ish
2. Do you have a caregiver? No :(
3. If so, do you see them often in person? They are really good at hide and seek, they've been hiding for a while
4. What's your favorite part of being Little? Snuggles! Coloring books and stuffed animals! Sleeping tbh
5. What kind of little/kitty/puppy stuff do you own? Lots of stuffed animals and some coloring books and feety pajamas
6. Big or small stuffies? Both!
7. Favorite little space activity? Making blanket forts
8. Favorite thing for your caregiver to do? I have never had one, I don't know yet.
9. What little/kitty/puppy items do you want to own? Maybe a pacifier?
10. If your caregiver were to give you a present, what would you want it to be? Something sparkly and maybve with a mermaid!
1. What do you identify as?
Little Bratty Princess

2. Do you have a caregiver?

3. If so, do you see them often in person?
we started as a LDR and now we're married living together <3

4. What's your favorite part of being Little?
Daddy spoiling me

5. What kind of little/kitty/puppy stuff do you own?
Pacis, Paci clips, Onesies, Dinning sets <3!! stuffies, sippy cups, baby bottles a lot of stuff

6. Big or small stuffies?
the bigger the better

7. Favorite little space activity?
coloring for daddy

8. Favorite thing for your caregiver to do?
Daddy likes it when i play with his hair

9. What little/kitty/puppy items do you want to own?
tails for days and kitten, bunny ears

10. If your caregiver were to give you a present, what would you want it to be?
moar diapers !!!
1. a 4 year old little girl
2. yes, da bestest daddy in da whole world!!!!
3. yessss
4. it makes me feel safe and happy and i feel like i can be myselfs without daddy getting angry
5. pacis, stuffies, dollies, collars, toys/rattles, coloring books, soon to be a kitten gear set (tail w/ matching ears)
7. cuddle daddy and attentionzzzz and also getting to watch whatever i wanttts
8. baby talk me and also he disappears when im sad so i get even more sad then he comes in and has my favorite paci and stuffie and a blankie and drinks and stuffs and he knows exactly what i need when i squeak or whine and he's da bestest daddy ever
9. i'd love a crib, possibly diapers someday, more rattles, stacking toys and teething toys, more coloring books, many many many kitten sets and collars, and a pair of custom fangs from Steve Bosworth. also MORE STUFFIES
10. maybe stuffies or candy? i'm happy when daddy gets me stuffs anywayssss :splode: :angel: :heart:
1. Little girl
2. No. I wish I had a mommy
4. Letting go of things. Experiencing things as a little girl/young woman
5. Dresses and clothes. My first training bras. Makeup
6. Big!
7. Play dress up.
8. Hugs/cuddles/bonding
9. More makeup or big girl underwear
10. A new purse
Questions for Littles
1. What do you identify as? genderfluid tween, moreso a girl about 12
2. Do you have a caregiver? Technically no, but I have someone that keeps me in line. :D
3. If so, do you see them often in person? Everyday~
4. What's your favorite part of being Little? Playing with toys and going to the playground
5. What kind of little/kitty/puppy stuff do you own? I own lots of fun things a typical tween would enjoy, including dolls, jewelry, and make-up.
6. Big or small stuffies? Small stuffies, I suppose.
7. Favorite little space activity? Coloring and going to the playground!
8. Favorite thing for your caregiver to do? I don't know?
9. What little/kitty/puppy items do you want to own? I'm planning to get some things for my newest doll soon~
10. If your caregiver were to give you a present, what would you want it to be? I honestly appreciate any and everything that my special person gives me!
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