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Caregivers, Mommies, Daddies, adult babies, middles, babyfur, and all other Bigs and littles discuss regression, relationship dynamics, have open group conversation, share experienced advice, and exchange ideas to help one another grow in knowledge.
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I've recently found out I am a little. I always thought there was something wrong with me because as I reached 10 years of age I didn't want to stop playing with dolls and toys, I had a massive collection of stuffies, lived in my onsies, had a vivid and active imagination, loved coloring and still sucked my thumb as a means of calming myself. I was often told by my parents to "act your age" and for me that was hard. I felt out of place among others my age and I thought maybe I was broken. It wasn't until my most recent relationship where I could be open with my sexualities and kinks that I realized there was nothing wrong with me and that I was always acting my age. However, my potential daddy at the time said I wasn't a little and he didn't want me. That statement shattered me, and it made my bigself cry, confusing both my bigself and my littleself and it made me feel weird and like I truly didn't know myself. I still throw tantrums, binge watch cartoons and disney movies, color, play with my toys, take naps, build pillow forts, drink from a bottle, suck my thumb and feel like I am a young child and little. Is there something wrong with me? Am I really not what I thought I was? Can someone help me and tell me what's wrong with me?
There's nothing wrong with you at all. No matter what anyone says about you, there's nothing wrong with you.

You can't let yourself believe the mean things that people say. People can say so so so much mean stuff... And I think it's kinda common for littles to be sensitive and take things to heart a lot. Being sensitive and emotional is a good thing! There are many beautiful things about being a sensitive person! But it does make it easy for other peoples' mean words to hurt lots and lots.

You know yourself. You know if you're a little or not. And you need to let yourself believe yourself. You need to trust your heart, you need to realize you know yourself better than anyone. People can say you are or you aren't a little. People's opinions are their opinions and their opinions aren't fact. But you know. You need to trust yourself to know.

It can be hard I know. It's so hard. People say things and you get hurt and broken by their words. Their words sink into your body and mind and make you think things... But you got to learn to build up resistance to it.

Having faith and confidence in yourself.. It's hard. It's hard to learn to be nice in yourself and believe in yourself. But the hard work is worth it. You're a great person and I'm sure you can find lots of great things about yourself if you try.

The only bad thing you can do are things that hurt other people. But being yourself.. enjoying little things.. That hurts no one. It makes you happy. You deserve to feel happy.

This whole community is full of people young at heart. It's stigmatized in society, but there's nothing wrong with you for loving Disney cartoons and movies, playing toys, building pillow forts... It's a great thing. You're great and special just the way you are. Your last daddy sounds like he didn't appreciate you for who you are. Your parents ask you to change so it sounds like they don't appreciate you either. But there's billions of people in the world, there is someone who will see the real you and be thankful for you and love you. Don't give up and don't believe the words of people who can't see how wonderful you are.

Sorry if I said anything weird. I just wanna help! I hope you feel better soon. :stuffie:

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