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me and my boyfriend have been together a while now and we are both very much littles. Sometimes we end up in littlespace at the same time and I really enjoy it. It's nice having someone around who'll always play with me and has the same childlike view of everything as me.

I wanted to know if other littles have had a similar thing to what we do. and what the experience was or is like for them
I have so much fun hanging out with my little sister, I know exactly what you mean! Going on dates to Build-A-Bear and buying each other stuffed animals, cuddling in front of some cutesy cartoons, going to the store and buying ALL the snacks! It's really nice to be able to share littlespace with someone important.
I have been looking for another little to be with me and Daddy. That's a little harder than finding another little to be with. But I'm glad you have someone who shares that mindset with you :)

Have you found any problems that come with you both being littles? and do you help eachother out with stuff that a daddy/mommy would?
Sorry, Doodlebug! I just saw this! :x The short answer is, yes and yes.
Doodlebugbecca wrote:Have you found any problems that come with you both being littles?
The problems are work-around-able if you're willing to do some work, and in a poly dynamic like you're describing they'd be a lot easier to circumvent. The biggest problem my sister and I have run into is that if both of us are feeling really really sad at the same time, it's really difficult for either of us to calm down enough to help the other if we're feeling little. Other times, we'll throw simultaneous tantrums or argue over toys. We both can be quite bratty. Ultimately, though, these problems have been few and far between, and when things do get out of hand they always end in apologetic cuddle time. We're also sometimes bad about remembering to take care of our actual adult lives (work, bills, etc.), and that's one thing we haven't found a perfect solution for yet.
Doodlebugbecca wrote:do you help eachother out with stuff that a daddy/mommy would?
Absolutely! This is one of my favorite parts about being with my lil sis. We're both little in different ways, so we complement each other well. We both support each other emotionally with playtime, cuddles, reassurance, and giving each other a safe space to be little, but there's also caregivery/mommy-esque things we do for each other to help out. Even though she's older physically, her regression age is younger than mine, which is why I'm the big sister. I perform a sort of babysitter function, making sure she's comfortable and content while little, putting on her favorite movies and buying her new stuffies when she's good, but punishing her when she's been naughty. She's the little sister, but she's really smart, and she loves cooking and learning new recipes. She'll give me grocery lists to make sure I don't just buy a bunch of cookies and frozen stuff at the store (which I do embarrassingly often), and makes super yummy meals with the ingredients I bring home. She likes to clean the house, too. We take baths together sometimes and take turns washing each other. She's got severe PTSD and anxiety, so sometimes she'll have a flashback and I'll soothe her nerves and we'll cuddle in front of cartoons or an Audrey Hepburn movie (she loves Audrey so much!). Those are just some examples off the top of my head.

We take care of each other, and fill in each other's blanks. It's nice.
One of my fiances' is another regressor!! o: He doesn't identify with the little title but it's very cool to kind of have the shared experiences and have the understanding of little space together even if ours are very different! It's also nice to have someone that doesnt bat an eye when i have on my footsie pjs, blankie, and paci omg
I think my master might be kind of a switch he's not truly little but sometimes he's more of a sub which I'm not really sure how I feel about? Like of course I want him to be happy and do what makes him happy but I have trouble being dom I get real flustered and my head goes blank and I get whiny and don't know what to do. I think I definitely prefer a dom to a fellow sub but I think if he was little it would be different. I don't personally know any other littles so I've never had the opportunity to have play dates or anything like that but I wish I did!
I’m in a relationship with a fellow little and I hate it. I really want a caregiver, someone kind and wise who can take great care of me but he is selfish and doesn’t like to always take care of me. It’s super frustrating but it isn’t because he is a little. It’s mostly just his bad personality.
Ehhh well yes and no.... my daddy goes into little space RARELY so both of us are basically switches. If he needs me then I go in mommy space for him and he feels better. Of course I can cheer him up when he's in daddy space but he's not one to complain about his feelings, especially if Im in little space, he'll forget about it and pay attention to me, but if he's in a dark place then he goes into little space. When we move in together we'll prolly be little together but it hasnt happened yet lol.
In one of my past relationships I dated a girl who later told me she was a little. Our relationship was crap. Yes it was nice sometimes but most of the time I hated it and I know she did too. I mainly took on the caregiver role because she refused to so it kept me from going into little space a lot which eventually made me depressed. On top of that since we couldn't see each other a lot we never got to get really close turning our relationship into more of an unhappy friendship. We eventually had a horrible break up for a completely different reason but we're still friends today, so in my opinion it's hard to make a relationship work with two littles but I suppose if you put your mind to it then you could make it work. It's just not my thing.
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