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I have kind of developed a little bit of a pet peeve and I don't know if it's reasonable or not, and I just kinda wanted to get other opinions.

When I play a little, often I enjoy going to chatrooms for littles or ageplaying where it's implicitly stated you have to be 18+ to be there and it's just for fantasy purposes only. When someone asks me my age I always tell them my little age which can vary depending on my mood. About 80% of the time though when I say my little age, they immediately follow up with the question "real age?"... I dunno what it is about this question that bugs me so much but it just takes me right out of littlespace, I guess I just assume that everyone in that chat is an adult but this request for reassurance (which is why I assume they ask) just kind of kills my immersion into my little self, it feels like a rejection of my little age.

I am sure if I kept going and told them my real age it would probably be fine but I guess I worry that it just puts things off on the wrong foot and I don't want to deal with questions about me being a little or too much meta talk about it, I just want to be a little and have fun as a little.

I just want to keep my littlespace and my "actual adult self" separate. Is it too unreasonable for me to get annoyed by this?
As much as it is a fantasy for you to be young, it's a CG's fantasy to be with a childlike adult. A CG should support your littlespace, but a stranger asking to take your virtual pants off is being reasonable asking some basics like gender identity and age.
Truthfully, failing to confirm 18+ before saying some things is the kind of thing that gets people convicted by juries.
CGs are not turned on by children. Some of us want a little close to our age. Ultimately, you have to go through a quick screening before you're allowed in a responsible CG's playpen. That's just part of being a grownup you'll have to endure.
I don't find that unreasonable.
I already get kinda sad when I think about the age I'll be on my next birthday when I'm not in my little space.
And I'm not going to be saying or doing anything physically intimate because 1. I don't do that with strangers and 2. I'm in a relationship so no. So there's no point in telling you my adult age now is there.
Maybe you could set up a signature that says "YES I am over 18/21/whatever, my actual age is *actual age*, but when I am in little space I don't want to answer this question. Please respect that :) " or something along those lines? put it in a color that doesn't stand out to your eye so that you can ignore it when you're chatting.

I mean, sure it would limit you to forums rather than chat on most sites, but it could help until you get to know users enough that they don't need to ask.

Good luck little Prince :mrgreen:
I kinda understand wanting to know real age. It really sucks, but if there is ever a question of whether or not the person on the other side of the chat is under the age of 18, not only does it take me out of 'little' mode, but it makes me worried. People have gone to jail for chatting with teens about diaper adult interest related stuff, even if is not overtly physically intimate.

Another site I used to be on once was a TB site. They had 13-18 year olds on the site, and they did everything they could to try and not make it physically intimate in anyway, but the site's owner got scared and banned all teens because he was worried he might end up in jail for running the site.

I also play on F-list a lot, which is a lot more physically intimate and nature. And I have problems chatting with people that cannot use 'any' grammar in chat, because it makes me feel like I am talking with a real life 10 year old, and I start feeling uneasy and kinda creepy.

My advice for keeping yourself 'in character' so to speak would be to answer with "Look at my profile, silly!" Or something like that. Post it somewhere publicly, and just point the asker in that direction if they need something to put their mind at ease. Even 2 year olds can point different places. :P

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