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I have a boyfriend, not a daddy, but he knows about my little side and at first seemed to be pretty accepting...

But then he finally expoded and let ne know that me being in littlespace bothers him because I'm never in a physically intimate mood when I'm in littlespace.

I know he isn't trying to be mean or anything, and I also know he is genuinely trying to understand. But when things happen, like the other day we were right next to a Toys R Us and he didn't want me to go because he said he knew I would go into littlespace.

I have told him that being little is therapy for me but I don't think he quite understands how important it is for me. It keeps my axiety and depression to managable levels.

Is there any way I can get him to see how vital being little is for me, and that if he keeps stopping me or pulling me out of littlespace it will only hurt me?
I am sorry your boyfriend hinders you from going into little space. One thing, if possible, you could try is to be little or dress/act little but be sexy at the same time. Now, of course it also depends on what your boyfriend finds sexy. I personally find a girl acting little and sweet to be adorable and well, sexy too. But maybe show him you can be sexy and little at the same time.
I understand not being physically intimate when in littlespace because that's how it works for me. Your boyfriend doesn't seem to understand that this is a big part of your life. You need to talk this over with him because it seems like it might start hurting your relationship. For example, if my daddy ever started pulling me out of littlespace, I would hit the road pretty quick if we couldn't resolve things.

You as a person should not have to hide who you are and you should not have this part of you denied when it is obviously so important to you. I would suggest a strong talking session. Something that makes him know you are dead serious.

But at the same time, you should also be willing to make sacrifices and come to a consensus with him. Perhaps some days you're allowed to be little, and other days you're supposed to be sexy. Maybe certain times of the day are your little times. You should think about ways to make both parties happy.

Hope that helps.
If hes basing it mostly off you not being physically intimate in little space I think that's probably a warning sign. If he won't let you go into little space and want accept that its therapy you should have a serious talk and if he still can't accept it maybe its not the best relationship for you.

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Do not give up your little space. Like you said; it is therapeutic for you and it's important in your life. If he cannot understand or except it; maybe it's time for you to do some deep thinking and processing of the situation. It may be in your best interest to MoveOn if he does not except you for who you are. Do not settle! There are men out there Who do understand and accept that part of you.

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jim3 wrote:I am sorry your boyfriend hinders you from going into little space. One thing, if possible, you could try is to be little or dress/act little but be sexy at the same time. Now, of course it also depends on what your boyfriend finds sexy. I personally find a girl acting little and sweet to be adorable and well, sexy too. But maybe show him you can be sexy and little at the same time.
I think he should respect your inclinations, period. Maybe you could make an arrangement where you could set aside time to be physically intimate so he can be reassured that your little time won't interfere with your love life.

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