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Are there times you are very happy that you're a little?

Posted: |March 24th, 2019|, 1:33 pm
by NewQuestions
Obviously, our community happily embraces childlike traits and regressive adults. We understand that a person who regresses finds joy and happiness in things that other adults may not find as exciting.

Can you think of a time where you being a little made a situation much, much better? Can you think of something specifically that makes you extremely happy to be a little since you are able to enjoy it more thoroughly or differently than typical adults?
In your opinion, what are the major perks and positives of being a little?

Re: Are there times you are very happy that you're a little?

Posted: |March 25th, 2019|, 3:04 am
by greenflowers
Yes! I am a a new little and one of the things I enjoy being one is the freedom to be NOT an adult. Being an adult has so many responsibilities and it stresses me out. Being a little helps me release the stress and just enjoy in the presence of my Daddy.

Re: Are there times you are very happy that you're a little?

Posted: |March 25th, 2019|, 3:32 pm
by MoonSugarStardust
Absolutely all the time! what non-little adult can say that they are greatly comforted just by the company of a stuffie? Also, I feel like I have a much more cheerful perspective on situations when I'm in little space.