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Littles here answer questions about being a Little.
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Only people identifying as Age Regressors (littles, middles, adult babies, etc.) or switches should be replying to these topics!
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Has anyone shamed you for being in this community? Have you had a "coming out"? What is the thing you love the most about this community? Thank you for answering!! :paci: :heart:

I am not quite sure if there is an actual "coming out", I do not want to seem rude what so ever...

Also! Do you do your thing in your diaper?

-From a new Little
i mean i wanna be honest and answer to the best of my ability but in 8 yrs... no lol, no one has ever shamed me for any aspect of this, more people have been understanding than ever even at all mean about it, its a hard question and i think there can be many different stories brought up by it but i think it depends on the individual, it depends on how much of it you put out there, if you just wanna wear all the time its pretty easy to get by although i suggest medical type diapers for wearing in public and such, im very curious myself to see how others answer this question.
I found out about littles when a relative loudly accused me of being one in public.
I claimed to just be extremely immature and then looked into it.
I've heard on YouTube some people tell stories about how they were grossed out someone grabbed their littles butt in a Disney store.

So, personally I could never come out because everyone would think it's a pedo thing in my family. And for the general public, maybe as long as you keep the age regression age appropriate?

I love that the relationships have rules and you can go into even a friendship exactly as who you are and everything with be okay.

I am 3-5 when I regress. Maybe pull ups but no diapers. No shame in it tho. No judgement.
Hello, Sky!
With everyone I have told in the 4 year's since I discovered my little side. I haven't had anyone shame me for being a little, or being apart of this site. But if you do plan on telling someone, make sure they are not the type of person to kink shame, and you trust them. Some people have told me they are not comfortable with it, and to not act as such around them. Which sometimes happens, but most of my friends are okay with it.

In answer to your second question, the best thing I enjoy about this forum is the lack of judgement from others. As everyone shares the same type of kink's.

And in answer to your final question, occasionally, but if you only do that you will end up going through diapers very quick. And diapers are quite expensive now a-days.

Hope these answers suffice!
Of the two people I have told neither have shamed me but they love me no matter what and just want me to be happy. I think one great thing about this community is that it's a reminder that I'm not alone and it's a place of belonging. So far in my time of wearing a diaper I only wet it once. But I had only planned to wear it for a few hours anyways. The other time I didn't use it so I could wear it longer.
I haven't been shamed for it yet, but that's most likely because I keep my little side completely separate and away from my friends. They just know I'm huge into cartoons, and because I collect stuff for a certain TV show, they don't question when I buy "little" stuff like sippy cups and stuff from it at all. I know they'd shame me if they found out, especially because my best friend makes fun of "daddies" all the time.
I have been kinkshamed pretty relentlessly by one person since I came out to her, but other than that my other friends have been relatively supportive and don’t really mind it or make a big deal about it so I guess I’m lucky in that aspect. I guess you just have to hang out with the right people who accept you for you and leave the people who don’t. :3
Welllll nobody has openly shamed me about it but when my parents saw I had pacis and baby bottles and onesies they didn't understand and actually asked me if I had a drug problem at first lol. My therapist says my age regression is mostly a product of pst trauma and just who I am as a person I usually tend to be very independent and sometimes apathetic and being little is kind of the opposite of that so it balances out I guess
I also keep my little boy life separate from my big life. I think that living a double life is okay and usually even in my grown up space, I play different people often. I am a writer so I blame that on trying to get in the head space of my newest novel characters.
I hide things well so before I lost all my little stuff I hid it very well. Maybe that is why it is lost haha.
I have told only a handful of my closest friends and all but one were supportive. Most of my friends are into things anyways. One is a furry, one is into older men. No one even really blinked. They said "I figured. You have a childlike personality."
I fully believe in keeping it hidden though until in an okay place for it.
Well, possibly. I'm not sure if it counts. When I was 18, I lived with my father and stepmother. I have always been in love with animation and back then, I didn't know about this side of myself. I would play and sound much younger than I actually was. Looking back, it was signs to me being a little bit back then, I thought it was just a silly, goofy game. My stepmother would always just turn her nose up; annoyed and apparently disgusted (she was ALWAYS disgusted) that I would act less than my age. It was inappropriate and it needed to stop.

And they couldn't stand that I watched cartoons, even though Dad would sometimes watch the animated version of Star Wars >.> they said that my love of cartoons was a sign of my mental state and how I hadn't developed properly...that mentally I was still a child. They made sure to tell me to not worry; they would fix me. That with their help (which everyone I talk to about it identifies as abuse) they would make me a proper adult.

I'm not sure if it was ageplay shaming as no one was aware, not even myself but it was aspects about my ageplay so maybe it counts?
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