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I completely understand! I actually just started college about three weeks ago and have already found it difficult at times. That said, I have come up with a number of way to help me through this despite not having a dom as well. The first thing I try to do is give myself a reward system. Maybe getting a bag of M&Ms and for each question I do I can have one ^^ Something else I try to do is think about is "what would my mommy want me to do?" if I had one. I tell myself that if I want to have a mommy one day and to make her happy, I need to get into good habits now so that I won't disappoint her as much. It's a little more harsh than the candy technique, but it works for me every time! ^^
I work and go to school full time so I can completely 100% relate to you here! The worst is when I'm at work and feel like being little since I can't exactly go into it at work. I think the best thing to do honestly is to do a little bit of work at a time instead of waiting until the deadline comes in to do it. Also take time for yourself! I can't stress that enough. I try to do at least a little bit every day where I can just be alone and be me to destress. Cuddling with my studies never fails to calm me down, and it makes going back to being big a lot easier
I totally understand where both of you are coming from. I started my 1st semester this past late August and I am just taken Intro. Classes and am pretty overwhelmed with the amount of reading and studying that I have to do. Way more than what I had in High School. Add to the fact that I live in a Dorm Room with a Roommate. Now don't get me wrong I get along with my roommate, but there is no privacy time at all for anything. Plus my boyfriend attends a different colleges keeping us to only chatting while away at college waiting for holidays and breks to come so we can both come home and spend time together and do Little/Daddy things as well.
I’ve been going through a little dry spell because of college. It’s been ao difficult to get into my little head space for the longest time. College is so stressful but I hopefully have one semester left! After it’s done I feel like I’ll be able to get back to being myself. It is nice when you have a caregiver around helping you to be little but mine hasn't been very helpful lately.
I'm in college, and the struggle is definitely real! Im in my fourth year, and I have a job so the stress is absolutely massive, and being a adult is so overwhelming sometimes. To make matters worse, I'm never comfortable enough to go into little space, as I never have the privacy. Sometimes I just wanna stay in bed all day and watch cartoons and eat ice cream, but I gotta be a adult. Honestly, ive never talked to anyone about being little, and I have no idea how to deal with all the stress!!
I’m in college and I’m terrible for slipping into my littlespace which isn’t good considering the fact I have to adult to work on the cars in mechanics!
I have a teddy bear that hangs on my bag to play with when I do slip into my littlespace, I’m also lucky that my best friend knows that I’m a little so he tries to keep me out of littlespace until our breaks
But yes I do find it hard to have to adult because I fail so often and slip into littlespace and loose complete concentration in lectures
Autistic here so can definitely relate, What I found is that I can't get any work done at my apartment with my compulsive procrastination behavior(I mean that in the literal sense, I can't stop even if it becomes self destructive) and inability to focus for more thatn 5-20 minutes at a time so I try to get on campus each day, that's my work time. So I second the organization/comparmentalization aspect. It's not perfect but it helps. Actually that's one of the things I wish I had a Caregiver for because I am terrible at saying no to myself.

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