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So, I rather recently found out that I was a little. I didn't really know there was such a thing, and I just thought the way I acted was kind of wierd compared to everyone else.

But anyways onto my questions:
1. What can I do for my caregiver(sorry if that's the wrong term, I'm not good with names)? Is there anything that I could do that would help them?
2. I often get hungry and my Daddy will ask me what I want, but I'm to shy to give an answer or I just don't know what I want, should I be prepared to give a solid answer? Or would it be okay to explain to my Daddy that I don't know and I'd prefer they choose for me?
First, work hard to communicate. That's the most important part of any relationship. Ask what you can do. Ask how they feel. Ask if their needs are met.

I personally think it would be wonderful if a little said something like "Doesn't Daddy decide what we eat for dinner?" That's a subtle hint. He may not have realized that the Daddy part of the relationship can/does extend to meals for you.
It sounds like you could do with having a nice honest talk with your Daddy about how "controlling" or Dominant you wish him to be and how much he feels comfortable with. It may be he's afraid of being too overbearing or isn't sure what exactly you would like from him. :)

If you're shy about coming forward about your feelings try talking about it while you're snuggled up in bed with him in the dark. :)
Being a mommy/daddy is very hard. We want so very much to please our littles however adult littles are so very different than biological littles. The first thing you should do is schedule time to have an adult conversation with your DD. Discuss every aspect of what you want/need and ask DD what he wants/needs if he doesn't volunteer.

In my case my AB gave me pretty much no clue about what he likes/expects, etc. I'm not shy and made numerous inquiries, even providing him with a list of rules. He responded sporadically but for the most part hasn't responded leaving me completely in the dark.

I came online and conducted research but unlike most adult interests/kinks this is very individual so what works for everyone else most likely won't work for your situation

This reinforces my suggestion to make the time to schedule that adult time. Your lives will be so much richer if you do. After all, would you rather have your DD happy or frustrated?
I suggest before anything with a new caregiver; both of you sit down as grown ups and discuss things out. What are you allergic to? What foods do you like/hate? What budget is the caregiver on (depends on how pampered you will/will not be), sensual or not during child play? most important 'TIME OUT/SAFETY' word very important. If you want your caregiver to decide on meals, movies, shows, activities then you need to make sure they are aware of it. If you are giving full control over expect to eat your brocolli and spinach (you will eventually lose that battle).

As long as that is completed, all other issues will fall into place. But be very detailed during that discussion and if new ones arise use the Time Out word and go back into grown up mode to discuss issues. Remember they may be the King/Queen, but you (grown up mode) are the power behind the throne.
I'm speaking only from who I am as a person, but in response to your question about whether or not you should tell him that you want him to choose and you don't know, absolutely. I dated someone once who was a little and I asked her what she wanted to listen to on the radio and she told me she just likes it better when I pick. I thought to myself, "wow this is amazing." I have never met somebody who just loved me and didn't care what we did, what we listened to, what we ate or anything else as long as it was with me. If you have found the right daddy for you, honesty will be the best policy.
Communicate is always something you can do for your Caregiver. Even when I know little very well I don't like tk assume things. Other then that just like your caregiver checks on you maybe check on them. Make sure they are okay.

Its okay if your Daddy chooses for you as long as your Daddy knows you well enough to pick things for you. I personally think its cute.
Communication is key in any relationship, and even more so with any BeDeeSeM relationship. You may not know what you want but explain that to your care giver. Then you can work together to figure it out, or just tell them to surprise you. Communication can make or break your relationship.
I'd say the biggest thing any little can do for a CG or DD is to show appreciation for them if they're putting in effort to make you happy and do things for you to see you smile which is ultimately all we want is to see our little happy and smiling. So whether that's saying thank you and words of affection and love or physically thanking them by hugs or cuddles or kisses any of it just so they know they're appreciated.
As far as your dilemma, I'd say whenever he asks you next, sweetly say you don't know and you want him to pick. Then explain nicely that you like when he takes charge and chooses things for you, but when he picks you can't fuss over where or what he picks because you said you want him to lead and decide things for you based on what he wants. If he's a good daddy he'll consider what you like when he decides, but if what he decides isn't something you want and you complain in a way that isn't constructive he may be upset because he did his best at what you want him to do but you didn't like it when he tried so he may give up trying.
Hope this helps!
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