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Hi guys!

I'm a little who lives apart from their CG and doesn't see them much at all! I know there's a list of things to help self-reliant littles but does anybody else have any ideas of how to entertain myself?

I currently just play games on the laptop or watch youtube, I sometimes colour but I get very energetic and have very little space so I struggle letting my energy out :(

If anybody can come up with anything or any good games for littles to play on their laptops I'd be very grateful!
I have some energetic ideas! I know you said you don't have a lot of room, but if you can go outside, or clear a small space by moving some furniture or something, some of these could work:

Make a hopscotch game (you can make it inside with masking tape)
Play "The floor is lava" or make your own obstacle course
Make an indoor fort with pillows and blankets
Find YouTube videos of songs with dance moves (Hokey Pokey, Chicken Dance, etc) or finger plays
Find YouTube videos of kids' workouts or yoga for kids
If you have a collection of toys or stuffed animals, rearrange them into little scenes (even if it's just on your bed or a shelf)
If there's a park nearby with a playground, you could visit there!
It really comes down to your regression age at the time. You'll probably get most ideas by typing into Google something like: "Rainy day activities for kids age X - Y". ... ds+age+2-4

Your profile notes your little age is generally age 2 to 4. Off of the top of my head, without doing a search, these come to my mind:

Play-Doh (or molding clay if you're big enough or want something more permanent; you can also make your own DIY version of Play-Doh too, which would be a fun little project in itself)

Craft project: rain sticks with cardboard papertowel tubes and/or dried rice and beans.

Finger painting.

Blocks (Mega Bloks; Duplo, alphabet blocks, possibly even Legos if you feel big enough)

Dance by yourself and really let loose, listen to what feels good even if you probably look goofy.

Go outside and play pretend in the yard if you're in a home (versus apartment). Make mud pies or silly concoctions from yard weeds and dirt.

Take a splashy bath. Crayola makes cheap colored bathwater drop-ins and there are bath crayons too. Tub toys like boats can be found at places like Wal-Mart even. Also, all little ones love bubbles in the bath!

Memory, the matching card game. Matching can be fun and can be done with extra cutesy cards (even cards you've made especially for the "game")

Small, indoor bean-bag toss. I've seen them where you're trying to get the bean bag into a hole, and have also seen them with X and O where you're trying to "win" a game of tic-tac-toe.

Blow bubbles. (Not indoor over tile though!)

DIY small ball-pit. A blow up pool can be deflated and stored away when not playing. You can buy those plastic indoor playground balls in decent sized bags pretty cheaply.

DIY slime. I know that's really popular right now. I think it would probably be for those older the age of 4 but perhaps sometimes you feel that way. There are many different versions, including fluffy slime, sparkly slime, regular slime, etc.

Kinetic sand is also an option if you're going with options like slime too. A kit with the sand isn't expensive and can be very soothing.

You could also pick up a "big" fun hobby like playing an instrument, joining a local sports team (baseball? softball? soccer?), gardening (indoor or outdoor), or baking.

Beading, bracelet or necklace making, or other cutesy little jewelry ideas can come in kits you can pick up for cheap or search online with how to do. These are also usually for ages over 4, but when I was growing up us younger kids often made keychain animals out of string and beads.

Preschool activity books might be fun to go through. A pack of crayons and completing the pages with your non-dominate hand could make it more silly.

Exercise videos for kids could be fun and burn some energy. The same goes for things like singalongs if you want to be more vocal and less physical.

Swinging on a swingset at the local park might be an option to you. They're usually big enough for adults and are often less popular than you'd expected. Nobody will bat an eye at you swinging if there are no biological children waiting for a turn.

Reading some books intended for children or with a childlike twist could still be fun for you. I enjoyed The BFG by Roald Dahl when I was a kid, and other books like The Princess Bride might be more "grown up" but still has that fun little twist of fantasy enough.

Meditation can be really fulfilling too. Just sitting down and listening to your body, relaxing, and following a vision in your mind's eye can really reduce your stress and still feel very "little" if you allow your imagination to take over (think: flying in the air and encountering a magical candy land sitting on top of the largest set of clouds you've ever seen).

You might also look into online options for single player online games for kids.

Some online programs, such as Steam, would allow you to play some relatively "easy" games for children (though, usually ages 5+).
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