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By Deleted User 33872
Hello, everyone!!

I just finished my first year in uni and that means 2 things:
  • I have 4 months off
    I get to be in little space as much as I want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was just wondering.... what should I do that would be fun for littles during the summer?! :D

I would love the everyday fun activities as well as the nice occasions.

I hope you're all having a great day, and if not *sends 10 hugs* feel free to rant away to me. I can't do much but say "jee that sucks" but I'll get mad/sad with you <3

xo Cara
That's plenty of time to do all sorts of things! I'm not sure what you like, but here's a list of some time consuming stuff I like.
:omfg: Theme/amusement park. Most of my last adventure was just running and squealing from ride to ride with candy in my mouth and character merch lol.
:stuffie: Grab your stuffie and binge watch all your favorite Disney movies!
:read: Coloring books! Think of all the uncolored pages that you never had time for between tests and homework. They want to be pretty too!
::3: Maybe run around and see what sort of cute clothes you can add to your little wardrobe. It's so time consuming finding the perfect outfit, I still need to get around to it so I'm not just limited to giant t-shirts lol.
:eat: Start a recipe folder with foods that are tuned to your little palate so that you don't get into littlespace just in time to get hungry and indecisive and stress yourself back into being an adult lol. The worst haha.

That's all I can think of for now, my brain is mush from doing homework. Didn't want you to go unanswered, hopefully more people build on this so I can get some ideas for winter break!
You can go to beach and build sand castles and burry yourself, watch lots and lots of movies and eat lots of ice cream, oh and play in the park and go zoo to sees lots and lots and lots of animals there is soooooo much to do I wanna do it all now hehe
By Deleted User 34052
OMG you must go on a Disney cruise - and they really play along and don't make you feel silly for being yourself! I'm going on my second one this year and I bring costumes and Disney related dresses . I love getting photos with all the characters too . And if you go on a 7 day or longer, they have character breakfasts . They go to some really neat places . I booked a cruise for 2019 to do the Panama Canal!

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