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Dom/Little PC Gamers?

Posted: |October 9th, 2017|, 3:08 am
by MarshallKensington
I build, and play on 'spare-parts' gaming PC's, I was wondering how many other PC gamers or PCMR we have on the LSO site.

If you are a PC gamer, what is your favourite game on PC? Mine is Fallout 4.

If you are not a PC gamer, what do you play, and why?

Re: Dom/Little PC Gamers?

Posted: |December 16th, 2017|, 11:26 am
by BabyWolf97
My favorite PC games are Subsistence and Banished. I love strategy and survival games

Though creativerse and spore is gonna have to be my favorite little space game, though sadly I can't find many other little space gamess

Re: Dom/Little PC Gamers?

Posted: |December 16th, 2017|, 4:20 pm
by Joel
Oddly I don't know of any Little Space games I would have... Maybe older games like Banjo and Kazooie. But I love to play all kinds of video games XD I even stream it on Twitch! But If I had to boil it down I like games like Darkest Dungeon and Xcom for the challenge and a good story can get me into almost any kind of game. I have to kinda care about what I am doing ya know?