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Feeling like an alien (more than just ddlg)

Posted: |August 25th, 2015|, 10:24 am
by AlienPink
Being into DD/lg makes me feel like an alien already.
I know I don't fit in with other adults because I'd rather be sitting on the couch with a sippy cup, a stuffy, and watching Frozen instead of watching soap operas or popular tv shows even. A lot of the adult shows and movies are just really boring to me.

I feel like I'm more unusual than that. I took psychology in university and stuff but I just don't understand humans. I don't understand people. I don't get why we do things we do. Not at all. Especially social stuff.

There's so much that makes me feel like I don't belong.

Maybe I'm some alien race that just hasn't been activated yet? And when I am everything will make sense because I'll realize I never was one of these people ?

I know I sound crazy. I know I do. I just don't know how to explain why I feel so much different than most everyone

Re: Feeling like an alien (more than just ddlg)

Posted: |August 25th, 2015|, 10:32 am
by LeonicBear
Nonono, don't feel that way. It's because not everything can be proven by science. It's inevitable. You feel that way because that's your true calling. I'm like that to. I honestly love it. I found my true nature as well as being a daddydom. I would never do anything to a younger child. Yet.. If a girl over 18! Was. I would. It's weird to some people. Unless you like it. Don't worry you'll feel accepted as a youth soon enough. I accept you now. I'm sure you're not finding the correct crowd. You'll do it.

Re: Feeling like an alien (more than just ddlg)

Posted: |August 26th, 2015|, 11:53 am
by AlienPink
Thank you, LeonicBear.