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What do littles and Caregivers do?

Posted: |March 7th, 2020|, 9:40 pm
by rosybaby
Hi guys!
My name is Rose (nickname). I'm just learning about the cg/l community and I am also a little. I don't know a lot about what I'm supposed to do as a little. I've recently found myself without a caregiver and a friend offered to be my "temporary caregiver". I'm afraid of crossing boundaries and making him uncomfortable. So, I'm trying to learn a little more about what most caregivers and littles typically do, so I don't mess it up. I'd love any advice you guys have!
Rosie :pinkh:

Re: What do littles and Caregivers do?

Posted: |March 17th, 2020|, 7:09 pm
by LittleLoliFur
Hi there! I know this won't seem very helpful, but it really depends on what you feel like you need from a caregiver. For me personally, I need help remembering to do things, like laundry and going to the bathroom before bed. (I don't know why I always forget.) Other than that for me, I don't really need a caregiver, but I like having someone there to snuggle with and give me head pats and forehead kisses. Now, since you say that he offered to be a "temporary caregiver" I would suggest you think about what you specifically want from a caregiver, which of those wants are appropriate for a friend and which are best left to a significant other, if any of them fall under that category. I would also suggest talking with your friend about what he thinks he should be doing. What are his expectations with this, since he volunteered. And have a discussion about the boundaries you will have. Sometimes it's just nice to have someone to hang out with when you're little, do don't stress to much about it. :splode: